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One week later: y/n's pov:
I was checking the mail like always to see if Kazutora sent a reply to my letter and after looking through the mail which was some bills I finally saw his letter, I took the letter and went to my room to read it.

I was happy to know that he was okay with me visiting, it was also thrilling as well that I'll finally see the person I wrote all those letters to, I looked at the schedule he sent to decide when I can go and visit him.

"Hmm, next visit should be two days from now" I mumbled.

Since I didn't have any plans that day I decided to go.

"Should I bring something with me while visiting him? It is the first time we meet after all" I thought.

"I could bake him something.... No this is too much and I'm not even sure if he likes sweets"

"I can give him a music CD..... No I don't think he can use that gift in juvie"

I kept thinking for a while and then my eyes fell on my book shelves they didn't have many books but they had all the books I liked, I kept browsing the books looking for one that Kazutora might like, my eyes fell on a book called the midnight library and I grabbed it.

"I think he might like this one" I mumbled.

Two days later:

I was getting a bit nervous as time passed, and now I have two hours left till the time of the visit.

"He doesn't know I'm coming today, maybe I should wait till I inform him that I'm coming" I said to myself.

I Shaked my head "no, he already said it's okay to visit, he should be expecting my visit anytime... Right?"

I didn't give myself more time to hesitate and started to get ready for the visit.

I wore my favorite skirt with some tights, a basic top and an oversized cardigan, I made sure to dress casually but look cute, not that I wanted to impress anyone but it's good to leave a good first impression, right?

I put my hair in a ponytail and applied some lipbalm, then checked my watch one hour left till visiting hours, I quickly took the book and left my room.

"Oh, hello honey where are you going?"
Uh-oh I forgot to tell my parents I will go out today.

"Haruka's house!" I said the first lie that came to my mind "we will study together for a while".

"Oh, I don't remember you saying anything about studying together before" my mom said.

"Umm, it's urgent haruka needs my help for an upcoming test, she doesn't understand physics so well" I was impressed by my ability to lie so easily and with a straight face like that, it was the first time I lie to my mother but I can't exactly tell her that I'm going to juvie to visit a boy I never saw before.

My mom sighed "fine, but next time tell me beforehand"
I smile "I will! Thanks mom!" Then I left the house.

The first thing I did was texting Haruka to tell her that if my mom calls her she says that I'm helping her study and that I'll explain everything later.

After doing that I headed to the bus station to go to the juvie.

Meanwhile, Kazutora's pov:-

I was sitting in my cell doing nothing, it was boring but I got used to it by now, I would just stare at the ceiling or read a book from the library but today I didn't feel like going to library, I checked the box under my bed where I keep y/n's letters and started rereading them, they gave me a sense of companionship and made me happy, I reached her latest letter in which she asks to visit me.

To my dearest Kazutora (Kazutora x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now