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Y/n pov:

Another day, another boring class, I wish I was at home now.

The teacher finished the lesson after one long hour and we were getting ready to leave.

"One more thing!" The teacher spoke once more "you have an assignment, we talked to the juvie manager in our district and each one of you will be assigned one of the prisoners, you will exchange letters with them for a month and then you will write an essay about what you learned from this experience".

"Wait, what?!" My friend Haruka exclaimed Making everyone in the class look at her.

She blushed and hid her face while the teacher cleared his throat "the letters will be monitored by the Juvenile and they also picked the least dangerous people for this experience, the prisoners will not know any personal information about you as well, so you don't have to worry about anything".

As soon as the teacher said that, everyone started to whisper among themselves, some were excited and others were stressed which both made sense to me.

"I can't believe our teacher would make us, write letters to criminals, I bet they all are perverts" Haruka huffed in annoyance.

For me I didn't really care, it was just an assignment, it's not like I'll be friends with whoever I'll be paired with.

"I'll start assigning you to the juvenile residents now, each one will get a few informations about the person you are assigned to, this assignment duration will be one month" the teacher said and we all gave him our attention.

He started to call our names and gave everyone of us a paper.

"Y/n L/n, you will be assigned to Hanemiya Kazutura" he said and gave me a paper with some info on it.

After finishing the school day I was walking home with Haruka who was ranting about today's assignment.

"I'm not excited for this assignment" she grumbled.
"It's an assignment Haruka, no one gets excited over assignments" I giggled.

"the guy I'm going to send letters to burned two cars and stole money from a convenient store, how am I going to write letters to someone like this?!" She whined and then looked at me "what did your guy do?"

"Don't say it like that, it's weird" I said "and I didn't read the paper yet, let me see" I took out the paper and started reading.

"Name: Hanemiya Kazutura, age: 17 years old, oh he is older than me by one year" I said.
"Keep reading!" Haruka said.
"Crime: Murdering a teenager, History: got into juvie for 2 years before for murdering a motorbike shop owner, current sentence: 10 years" that was all the info on the paper.

Haruka looked at me with wide eyes "holy shit! He is crazy! How can someone like this be one of the "least dangerous people" this must be a mistake!".

I shrugged "maybe he got framed".
"TWO TIMES?!!!" Haruka exclaimed.
I laughed "I'm just guessing Haruka, it's not like we will meet or anything it will be just a one month assignment".
"Girl, you are too chill about this! I think I'll just fail this assignment, I don't want to talk to a criminal" she said.
I smiled and Shaked my head knowing exactly that she is bluffing and will eventually write to the guy anyway "as you say, Haruka"

I bid the girl goodbye once I reached my home and made my way inside the house.

"I'm home!" I said.
"How is school, sweetie?" My mom asked smiling.
"It was alright" I shrugged, I don't think it's important to tell my parents about that assignment "I'll go to my room now".

"Okay, I'll tell you when it's time for dinner" she said.

I took a shower and changed my clothes, then I noticed the info paper on my desk as I was drying my hair.

I might have looked unfazed by that assignment before but now I'm getting nervous, not because that Hanemiya guy might hurt me but because I really don't know what to talk to him about.

What's okay to say and what's not? What if I offend him without knowing?

I sat at my desk and got out a piece of paper and a pen, if I'm going to do something anyway might as well get it over with.

I stared at the info paper and the blank piece of paper in front of me, thinking of the different things I can write.

I already know his age, should I ask if he have siblings?
No, maybe he has a bad relationship with his family, I mean most people in Juvie do.
Should I ask about his friends? No, what if that triggers a bad memory.

I stared at the info paper, those info are useless, they don't show what type of person Hanemiya Kazutura is.

I wonder what lead him to kill two people.

I sighed, nothing seemed safe enough to talk about, I wasn't scared of the guy, I just didn't want to leave a bad first impression, even if we never meet I didn't want him to hate me.

Then an idea came to my mind, it was lame but it was safe enough to talk about and I started writing.

Dear Hanemiya Kun,

How are you? I hope you are doing good, my name is l/n y/n I'm 16 years old and I'll be your penpal for a month, I hope we get along well!

You aren't obligated to write to me every week, but I'd love to get to know you, let's start with something basic, what is your favorite color? Mine is yellow.

I look forward to hearing from you.

I reread the letter a few times, making sure that it was good enough before placing the paper in the envelope and sealing it.

I should just send it and hope for the best.

Few days later, Kazutura POV:

"Kazutura! You have mail!" The officer announced and handed me an envelope through the bars of my cell.

The address on the envelope was erased, something that normally didn't happen.

I opened the envelope and so an unfamiliar handwriting, it was neat and beautiful.

I started reading it was a short letter just a brief introduction and a question.

'she must be the one I was assigned to from that penpal project, never thought that i would actually get picked' I thought.

"L/n y/n, beautiful name" I mumbled "favorite color, huh? I don't even know what is my favorite color" I frowned.

I made my way to the library and asked for a pen and paper and started writing my response to that girl named y/n.

It might be for only one month but maybe I'll find something to look forward to now.


A/n: this is close to the main one shot but I promise it will get a bit different in the next chapters ☺️

I hope you guys liked this chapter and have a great day/night, love you all❤️

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