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Dearest my Y/N,

First of all, No! I'm not stupid.... Well maybe a little but what I'm sure of is that I'm the biggest coward to ever exist on this earth, I'm a coward for waiting all this time to confess my feelings and it made you do the first move, come to think of it you always made the first move, even the first letter between us was from you.

So let me make it up to you and compensate you for the time I was hiding how I feel and tell you what you actually mean to me.

Before you came into my life, I never thought I would receive another chance, I destroyed everything good I had and I believed I didn't deserve anything else ... At least until I get out of jail and pay back for my sins, I thought I was okay with that idea but I didn't know that deep down I longed for a chance ... A little beam of light.

And then you came, the chance I deep down longed for, I honestly didn't know how to talk to you, I wanted to leave a good impression and talking to girls wasn't something I was good at to begin with. But you being the sweet and lovely person you are made me feel like I was talking to an old friend and this was the first light beam you granted me without even noticing.

I don't know when I started to catch feelings for you maybe when we became more comfortable with each others, maybe when you started writing to me after that assignment ended, or maybe when I first saw you sitting in front of me in that visiting area.

Yea... Maybe that was the moment, when I saw nothing but kindness and acceptance in your eyes it calmed my disturbed heart, you have no idea how nervous I was before that meeting but once I saw your smile all my worries faded away that's when you gave me another light beam that made my life a bit brighter.

And It always makes me smile when I remember how worried you were that one day you visited me and saw me with a bruised face, and how you scolded me that time, I never thought getting scolded would be so nice maybe because it was you who did it.

We share a lot of memories together and I cherish every single one of them especially that time you came to visit me the day before leaving for college, it was an assuring feeling I didn't know I needed that you won't forget me and another beam of light to make my life brighter, and it was when I made a promise to confess to you once I leave this place but guess you beat me to it now.

I'm sorry for making you wait, I'm sorry I was scared and I'm certainly sorry for being a jealous stupid asshole.

Your last letter was the brightest beam of light that you ever gave me and I promise I will try my best to return the favor and brighten your life as much as you did to me even though this might be impossible so here is a promise that I'll never be a coward and make you make the first step ever again and to prove it I will leave a gift for you in the envelope consider it a request and show me an answer when we meet next time.

I love you y/n and I'm sorry it took me so long to say anything and I'm sorry it was in a letter and not face to face, this might be a relatively longer letter but it's hard to explain what I feel towards you with mere words.

PS: i know it's a childish way but that's all the resources I have right now if you wait for me I promise I will give you the real thing once I'm out of here.

My deepest love,
Your Kazu.

Kazutora's pov:

This was the most nerve wracking letter I ever wrote but I guess it will do ... At least for now.

Never thought in my whole life I will spend 3 hours writing a letter I thought  while looking at the garbage can near me filled with discarded papers.

I folded the letter then secured the small gift in the envelope and handed it to the officers before going to my cell.

"I hope this doesn't scare her"


Y/n's pov: two weeks later:

"Oh! Is that a new letter? Can you read it out loud?!" Senju asked with excitement once I took the letter out of  my bag.

"Yes, and absolutely no way I would do that" I said.
"Aww you are no fun, but you WILL tell me what did he say after all we will need to celebrate"

"Okay I will, now can I read my letter in peace?"
"Yea yea I will leave you to it, I need to pick up an order anyway" she said while leaving giving me thumbs up before closing the door.

I quickly opened the letter, waiting for those letter was the hardest thing I ever did those few weeks felt like years, not to mention the multiple scenarios I made everyday about what would his response be.

And now reading his letter I felt relief washing away all my worries, and also my cheeks getting warmer and warmer as I kept reading.

That guy never failed to impress me of how he expresses his thoughts and feelings, and how sweet his words are that make my heart flutter without any effort.

I was smiling, laughing and maybe tearing up a little while reading his words wanting nothing but to tattoo them on my brain make them a never fading memory.

I will leave a gift for you in the envelope consider it a request and show me an answer when we meet next time.

"Huh? What gift?" I mumbled looking inside the envelope and seeing nothing.

I started to freak out looking around ony desk "no no did it get lost while in the mail but I don't see any tear on the envelope".

I started looking around the room but found nothing I wasn't sure what I was looking for either, but then I saw a little white folded paper, I picked it up and gasped.

It wasn't just a paper but a small origami ring but it got a but squished because of being in the envelope for a while, I fixed it a bit an wore it ony finger feeling my heart hammering in my chest, I never ever thought I would receive something like that let alone so soon.

I picked the letter and continued reading tearing up as I finished it.

"Of course I will be waiting for the real thing, my Kazu"

A/n: happy Eid everyone! I'm sorry for the late update hopefully won't happen again ❤️❤️

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A/n: happy Eid everyone! I'm sorry for the late update hopefully won't happen again ❤️❤️

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a great day/night and love you all❤️❤️

To my dearest Kazutora (Kazutora x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now