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Y/n's pov: one week after her agreement with mitsuya:

"Pick one of those for the main piece" mitsuya said offering three pieces of fabric with different colors and textures.

I thought carefully while looking at the pieces and the design "I think the black  one with tulle fits perfectly with the design".
He smiled "you have a good eye, I was thinking so too".
"Well it's probably because I spent the past two weeks watching you and learning".
"Even if that's true, you need to have talent in order to get grasp of things after only two weeks"
"Oh really? Is it too late to change my major now?"

He chuckled "It's not if you don't mind starting this semester over"
"Oh god no please!" He laughed even more.
"So when will we start modeling practice?" I asked the past two weeks we spent a long time together but the dresses aren't finished yet so I can't fully practice while wearing them and it makes me a bit nervous especially since it's my first time.

"Three of the four dresses are almost done but the main piece" he sighed looking at his sketch "still needs a lot of work".
"Can I do anything to help?" I asked, it's a bit concerning since we only have one week left.
"No that's okay y/n you already helped me a lot, I'll make sure to finish it in 2 or 3 days maximum so you can have some time to practice walking in the four dresses".
"You sure?"
"Yea I'll pull an all nighter no big deal"
"No makes sure to get some sleep, it's not healthy!" I scolded him.
He smiled " don't worry after this show is over I'll sleep for a week".


One week later: , kazutora's pov:

I feel like the days are getting longer and longer, It's frustrating that I have to wait two whole weeks to get a letter from y/n.

It kinda feels like an addiction but her letters are my only source of happiness now and if I get addicted to it, so be it.

An officer came by my cell at this point and it was as if he read my mind and he gave me the letter I was impatiently waiting for.

I quickly opened the letter and started reading but on contrary of y/n's letters this one left me with a heavy heart.

Dearest Kazu,

I miss you, even while having many friends with me, even when my day is busy I just can't help it and I miss you, it hurts me that I can't just come to visit you whenever I want, and it hurts that I have to wait two weeks to get a letter from you, I miss how happy I felt while visiting you even though it's in such a sad place.

Today I met mitsuya and he asked me to be his model for an upcoming project, he gave me some time to think about it and while I was walking to my dorm all I could think of is that I wish you were here so you can help me make up my mind, you always know what to say to convince me and you always know what I will be comfortable doing, sometimes I feel like you know me better than myself.

I ended up talking to my roommate and she kind of persuaded me to say yes, but I still wish you were here, I would have felt a lot better if I heard it from you.

I'm sorry this letter is so negative, and I don't mean to make you feel guilty I just wanted you to know that I truly miss you.



I never hated being in prison as much as I do at this moment, I feel helpless and it's frustrating I do miss her so much and I wish I can just move freely so I can see her more often and we wouldn't be in this situation.

And that modeling thing.... As much as I know that she will do it perfectly and I know that she is such a beautiful and graceful girl there is this part in me that just doesn't want her to do it, that part that is jealous, that part that kinda regrets introducing her to mitsuya and that part that I should bury and never let out cause it's not my damn business and I have no right to be jealous.

I sighed and looked at the letter again noticing the slightly smudged ink making me even more heavy hearted that she might have cried writing this letter.

Later that day I went to the library and wrote a letter, trying my best to conceal my jelousy and sadness, she probably already started that modeling thing anyway.

Dearest y/n,

I can't put into words how much I miss you, I wish I could come visit you in college maybe just to see your face, and as I always tell you and your letters are my only source of Happiness and they will always be.

But hey, don't let us be too negative soon this semester will end and you can come home and we can meet, so that's something to look forward to.

And I agree with your roommate you will do great in modeling and I feel like it will be a fun experience for you too, you probably started rehearsals now so tell me all about it in you next letter.

And y/n you know that you don't need to fake positivity around me it's okay to feel down and it's okay to be sad, just know that I might not be physically there for you but you are always in my heart and I'll always try my best to be there for you.


I sent the letter and for the first time I might not be as excited for y/n's next letter.


A/n: hello babes I'm back and I hope I finally can continue this story it's like there is some sort of dark magic preventing me from continuing whenever I start writing something happens and I get busy.

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter ❤️

On another note, I want to talk about what is happening in Palestine and the genocide that is happening against innocent civilians, more than 17,700 person were killed and more than 6000 children were murdered the injuries are more than this number as well, no one deserves this fate and it doesn't seem like it will be ending soon so the least we can do is share the news and talk about the genocide.

And if you want to do more you can boycott these companies:

There are many more but those are the biggest ones.

Ps: if you are pro Israel I really don't care what you say and I won't reply to your comment so it's better to keep it to yourself and if you want to stop reading I really don't care so please none of this "but Hamas did bla bla bla" comments

Free Palestine and love you all❤️

To my dearest Kazutora (Kazutora x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now