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Y/n's POV:

Two months have passed since I started rewriting letters to Kazutora and every week I receive a letter from him as well.

The letters didn't contain big secrets sometimes I would tell him about a new book I'm reading or a new song that I'm addicted to, and he would tell me about his days in juvie or share some old stories about his gang.

I could tell that we were getting closer and actually becoming friends, the awkwardness that I always felt while writing him letters was gone but there is still something that made me a bit uneasy.

I don't even know what this guy looks like, I never asked about his appearance  but I was so curious to know, after all this guy occupies a fixed part of my week, but I didn't want him to describe himself to me, it will never be the same as seeing him.

But I don't think waiting for 10 years to see a person's face is the smart choice here, I can go visit him but I didn't know if this was possible, I didn't know how these visits work is there a certain time? Can I (a stranger) visit him or should it only be family members and close friends? And if I can does Kazutora even want us to meet?

I really wouldn't mind if he didn't want us to meet but I might get a bit disappointed since I'm really curious what he looks like?

So I decided that I'll ask him in my letter if he wants me to visit with that thought in mind I started writing my letter.

Dear Kazutora,
I really enjoyed your last letter, It seems like your gang were really strong for them to defeat even an older gang, I really like reading those stories you write to me, so please keep telling me about them if it's okay with you.

I had another request I wanted to ask, I've been thinking about it for a while and I would like to visit you soon, I have some free time nowadays and I think it will be a better way to get to know each other, though I totally understand if you don't want to so no pressure at all.

If you are okay with that, can you please tell me if there is anything I should do? Are there fixed times for visits? Should I submit an application or something beforehand? I don't really know how visits work.

And lastly I hope you have a nice week.

I haven't felt this awkward while writing to him in a while, but this letter should be fine I guess.

Hopefully I'll be seeing him soon.

Few days later, Kazutora's pov:

Today is always the day I look forward to every week, and like every week for two months now I received a new letter, a little bit of color in this gloomy place.

It's funny how a few words from a person who you don't even know what they look like can change your entire day.

I teared the envelope and started reading the letter, smiling when I saw that she liked my past story about that highschool gang we beat when we first started toman, and making a mental note to tell her more stories in my next letters.

However, my smile fell when I read the next part.

She wants to visit me.

It's not that I hated the idea or that I don't want to see her, I'm honestly curious what she looks like?

I was expecting her to ask to see me, it's only normal to want to see the face of the person you are talking to for more than two months, I'm just afraid she might be disappointed or that I might do or say something that might make her want to stop writing to me.

I may have accepted the fact that this won't be forever and one day she will stop writing to me but I'm not ready for that day to be so soon.

It might be stupid to get attached to someone so soon and without even seeing him but to me y/n is a chance, a chance to be a good person for once, a chance that there will be at least one person who I can be with without destroying them with the demons inside my head, I'm not ready to give up such chance so soon.

After reading the letter I put it with the rest of her letters I kept, but today I didn't rush to give her an answer I spent the whole day thinking about whether I should let her visit or not.

"I can just not say anything and let her do the talking" I mumbled to myself before shaking my head "nope that won't do she might think I'm mute or something"

I can say no, but that might make her stop writing as well, thinking that I might be hiding something.

My mind kept drifting into all the possibilities I can think of, it frustrated me, why can't I make such a simple decision?

In my frustrated state I walked to the library and started writing the first thing that comes to my mind hoping it was the right choice to make.

Dear y/n,

I'm glad you enjoyed my stories I'll make sure to tell you more in my upcoming letters.

As for the visit, I don't mind you visiting me at all, I will actually appreciate it, but are you sure you want to do this, juvie isn't a nice place to go to even for a mere visit, but if you are sure I don't think you need to do anything before visiting.

I'll include a schedule of the visits with my letter so you know when you can visit me.

I'm looking forward to seeing you and I hope you don't get disappointed when you see me.


Without rereading the letter I added the schedule and gave it to the officer to send it.

Hopefully I won't ruin my chance.

A/n: we reached 1K reads guys! I'm so happy thank you for reading and commenting on my story ❤️❤️

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A/n: we reached 1K reads guys! I'm so happy thank you for reading and commenting on my story ❤️❤️

I'm not sure if I said it or not but if you know anyone from the artists who made the fanarts I use and they don't want their art to be used elsewhere please let me know.

To my dearest Kazutora (Kazutora x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now