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Kazutura's Pov:

Writing a letter to a complete stranger is much harder than I thought, I somehow felt the need to leave a good impression.

Maybe because I didn't want her to be scared of me, maybe because I wanted to prove something to myself, maybe I wanted to prove that even after all the things I did, I can start over, I can be a good person.

After one hour of writing and discarding, being frustrated with myself cause I can't write a fucking letter, I finally managed to write a letter that seemed good enough.

I folded it neatly and put it in an envelope and handed it to one of the officers to be checked before sending it.

I wonder if I'll ever hear again from you, Y/N L/N.


A week have passed and I didn't get a response to my letter, I checked the mailbox everyday and found nothing, It kinda felt disappointing even though I told him it's okay not to respond I was hoping to receive something from him, he seemed like an interesting person.

Today was Monday, my least favorite day of the week, it's always so long and boring but I was glad that I'm finally getting home from school.

I decided to check my mailbox, hoping to find something today if not, I'll just lose hope, but to my surprise I actually found a letter and after reading the address I smiled, He really responded!

I never thought I would get excited over a letter, let alone a letter from the juvie but here I'm rushing to my room so I can open it and read it.

Once I entered my room I placed my bag beside my desk and opened the letter.

Dear l/n San,

Thank you for your letter, when I was told about this experiment I didn't realize someone will actually send me a letter, so it really surprised me when I saw yours.

Please call me Kazutura, I don't like being called by my last name, and for my favorite color I never thought about it but I like yellow as well.

My responses might be a bit delayed since everything I write gets checked before sending it, I hope that's okay.


After I finished reading the letter I had mixed feelings, I was happy that I got a response but I also was surprised, Kazutura seemed really polite, his writing was pretty normal, not what I would expect from someone who murdered twice.

Yet again one letter won't show his whole personality.

I decided to write him a letter now, and I already knew what did I want to write.

This letter didn't take much time as the last one, and I actually felt more comfortable writing it? Does this mean I'm opening up to Kazutura a little?

After I finished writing I folded the paper neatly and placed it in an envelope ready to send it.

Maybe Mondays won't be so bad from now on.

Kazutura's POV:

"Kazutura, Mail!" The officer said and passed me an envelope.

This little sentence was enough to give me something to look forward to on this boring day, I teared open the envelope and started reading.

Dear Kazutura,

I'm glad that you replied to my letter, you can call me Y/n, guess we have the same favorite color that's nice!

I don't mind the delay of the letters, I'm just glad you are receiving mine and responding, so let's get to know each others more, what about telling each others something random about ourselves I'll start, I like taking walks in the rain it makes me feel like a main character in a story.


I don't know when it happened but once I finished reading I could feel myself smiling.

Main character of a story, huh? That's cute, I wonder what type of stories does she like.

I folded back the letter, placed it back in the envelope and placed it under my mattress with the other letter.

Last time I was in Juvie I used to keep Baji's letters under my mattress as well, guess habits really don't die easily.

The smile that I had before turned sad, I wonder how are you doing now baji.

I tried to shake the thought off and made my way to the library to write a letter to the anonymous new penpal I got.

I sat on one of the tables with a paper in front of me and a pen in my hand, thinking of a good response to her question.

"Hmm.. something random about me, what should I say?"

It seemed like an easy thing to talk about but to me I didn't know what to say.

I can't talk about my family, this was never a topic that I would open up willingly, hobbies? I don't really have any good hobbies... Favorite places?

"This might be a good idea... I guess"

And with that I started writing.

Dear y/n,

I thought a lot about your question, nothing coming to my mind, so here is a lame answer, I like standing on roofs that has no railings, they make me feel free.

Your answer is cool, makes me wonder what type of stories do you like, I don't read much but I might start reading in juvie since there is nothing much I can do here.


After reading the letter again and feeling satisfied enough with it I decided to send it just like last time.

For some reason I feel like I'm enjoying this letter exchange more than I should, that I have to remind myself that this is only for one month.

I mean why would a normal and seemingly nice girl like her keep writing for a criminal like me more than she should?


A/n: merry Christmas lovely readers I hope you guys have an amazing holiday and I hope you liked this chapter ❤️ love you all❤️😊

To my dearest Kazutora (Kazutora x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя