Chapter 34

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Temptation - Moby

Fix You - Coldplay

White Horse - Taylor Swift


Juliet POV

I feel my head hammering, pounding, someone taking a nail and hammer to my skull it feels like.

I groan, rolling over in bed and peaking my eyes open. The light filters in through the closed blinds but to no avail does it keep the room dark. I close my eyes tightly, letting out a deep breath before feeling around the bed for my phone.

I feel my fingers meet the hidden phone under the blankets by my leg. Gripping my phone and pulling it out from under the covers I take a moment before looking at my screen.


No missed calls nothing at all.

I just stare at my phone, laying in bed and staring at it. I don't know what I'm hoping to happen. I'm not even sure what I want to happen, but I want something...

I feel my body aching a little at the thoughts that attack me.

I slowly sit up and just stare at my phone, wishing there was something from him. Something, anything... anything to show that I wasn't wiped from his memory.

Forcing myself up and out of the bed I try to ignore the slight pounding that occurs in my head. The hangover isn't too bad, it is actually kind of nice to have a pain other than in my broken up heart.

I quietly exit my bedroom, the apartment quiet - the slight buzz from the heater is the only noise I can hear. I don't know if Liam ever came home last night - I quite frankly don't remember much after the fourth movie Charles and I watched.

Rubbing my forehead I enter the living room/kitchen and look around the decently messy place. There's trash on the ground mixed with some of the comfort foods I indulged in the previous night.

It wasn't as much as a struggle to keep up my strong girl charade last night with Charles. I kind of forgot about putting up the front of being okay - not being hurt and broken.

My attention turns to Charles who is passed out on the couch - his body sprawled out, his stomach face down, his face buried in a couch pillow. I smile a bit at the scene - I bet a fire alarm wouldn't even wake him at this point.

I slowly begin to pick up the living room, making my way around Charles in attempt to not wake him from his deep slumber - though it doesn't seem possible.

As I try to get most of the trash off the ground the front door swings open. I stare wide eyed at Liam and Harry who stare at the still messy apartment. Their eyes are wide and I feel my stomach drop.

Liam offers me a place to crash and I quite literally crash it.

Bad guest manners.

"Hey." I greet in a quiet voice, struggling to act okay. Struggling a lot right now.

The alcohol hit hard last night, I remember crying before I fell asleep... I remember that. I remember hurting. And now I'm too tired and my head hurts too much to try and keep up my happy act.

Liam and Harry's eyes eventually come back to me. It looks as if I threw a rager last night. Chairs and couch askew, just everything out of place as if a party or hurricane came through.

"Jules, what happened?" Liam asks - he's not angry, just confused.

"Obviously Charles and alcohol happened." Harry mumbles, a scowl on his face. He looks disappointed like a disappointed father who just found out his little girl isn't so little anymore.

Tonight (Book 2) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now