
637 12 0

September 6th
6:15 am

Scarlett alarm goes off and she turns it off and yawns. She rolls over and smiles when she sees you snuggle into her pillow. She chuckles and plays with your hair. She sighs " Oh my baby boy I can't believe you are going to school already. Maybe I can convince your daddy to have you go next year." You open your eyes and roll into Scarlett and whisper " Sleep mama." Scarlett chuckles and kisses your head " You can sleep for a few more minutes but then you have to get ready for school." You shake your head " No school. I stay with you." Scarlett smiles and pokes your belly " But you have to go.... You are going make friends and learn abc and numbers." You poke your head up " Logan?" She nods " Yes. And Logan is going to be in your class with Zack." You smile " I get ready now." You get up and run to the bathroom with Scarlett following you. She takes you a quick shower and brush your teeth and change into your outfit.

 She grabs your hairbrush " Spike hair buddy?" You nod and smile " Yes! I look cool with spike hair mama

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She grabs your hairbrush " Spike hair buddy?" You nod and smile " Yes! I look cool with spike hair mama." She laughs and kiss your check " Yes you do. There we go baby boy. We are all done. Waffles for breakfast?" You nod " With strawberries!" You run to the kitchen and sit on the stool as Scarlett cooks breakfast and cuts up the strawberries she makes sure your lunch is ready" Bubba apple juice ?" You nod and reach for a strawberry as Scarlett chuckles " You act like I don't feed you." You smile " I love strawberries mama." She kisses your head and sets you a plate " Eat so we can get going." You nod and eat your breakfast as she cleans up " Ok ready baby?" You nod and grab your backpack " Ready. Daddy picking us up?"Scarlett nods " Yep. He should already be here." You smile and open the door as your dad pulls in. You run out and he parks and scoops you up " Hi buddy. Let's get going. You don't want to be late." You smile " Mama let's go! I be late!" Scarlett laughs " Sorry. You forgot your lunch mister and your shoes." She points to your foot and you smile " Sorry." She puts your shoes on while Ben holds you and gets you in the car. Ben looks at Scarlett as he drives " Our baby is in kindergarten. This is crazy." Scarlett nods " I know. He didn't want to go. I was thinking he could wait until next year." Ben laughs " Scarlett he is old enough to go this year. He will be fine plus he  has his cousins. Plus he looks excited." Scarlett looks back at  you and then at Ben " I'm not ready Benjamin.  He is my baby. What am I suppose to do now that he is gone." Ben chuckles " He isn't gone.  He will be home at 2:30."  Scarlett sighs " Fine. Just let our baby go." Ben parks and looks at Scarlett " Hon he is going to school not war. He will be home every night  and he still needs you. He forgot about his shoes this morning." Scarlett chuckles " That is true. Ok let's get going. I got this."  Ben shakes his head and gets you out while Scarlett grabs your backpack and lunch box. You look around and reach for Scarlett. She takes you and you snuggle into her chest " I stay with you." Scarlett smiles " You got to go to school. Let's go." You guys walk into the school and she sets you and you hold on to her pants as Ben points at Bella " Hey buddy there is Logan." You shake your head " Mama."  Ben nods  and smiles at Scarlett. You guys get to the the classroom and Scarlett bends down " Ok buddy you got this ok? You are brave and smart. And Logan is going to be in your classroom. I know it is scary but I will be here at 2:15 ok ." You sniffle " Promise?" Scarlett kisses your head " Pinky promise." Ben rubs your shoulder as Logan runs to you and grabs your hand " Bubba look there blocks let's go!" You nod and hug Scarlett and then run off with Logan. Scarlett watches you play for a bit and whispers to Ben " He will be fine. Let's go." She sets your lunch box and backpack in your cubbie and sighs at Ben " I can't believe it my baby is growing up." Ben smiles " He will be fine. He is like you brave and smart."

Scarlett  kept her promise and was there to pick you up at 2:15. You were all excited to see her and wouldn't stop talking about your first day at School.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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