My mom is embarrassing

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Wednesday, October 10
5:30 pm

Scarlett is driving you to the school to pick you up from football practice when she looks behind her " hey baby girl do you wanna embarrass bubba?" she looks up and smiles " yes!" she starts playing Barbie girl. Once she pulls up she turns it up and smiles at Rose " let sing." Rose starts singing at top of her lungs along with Scarlett.

  Your pov:

  You were finally talking to the girl you like  Nicole. She was on the girl's soccer and you love everything about her. You adjust your backpack and crack a joke as she starts laughing and then you hear someone blaring music you turn your head and see it is your mom. You turn red and turn away as one of Nicole's friends Cindy points out your mom and everyone start laughing. And you groan as your friends start singing saying " hey y/n should we start calling your barbie girl?" you roll your eyes annoyed and grab your duffle and head to the car you give your mom a look as she turns down the radio " hello bubba!" you get in " seriously for someone so popular you are annoying."
Regular pov:
Scarlett laughs and kisses your cheek. You wipe it off and groan " why did you have to do that? Next time can dad just pick me up?" Scarlett chuckles " what you don't like your mama picking you up?" You shake your head " no I do but not when you embarrassed me in front of the girl I like." Scarlett's eyes light up " which one was it? The one with the soccer ball? Or the cheerleader?"  You sigh " the  one with the soccer ball. She smart and cute and I really like her."  Scarlett smiles " well man up and talk to her. Ask her out." Rose shouts from the back " ya bubba man up!" You guys laugh and you look over at your mom " well I'm going to need some Axe body spray." Scarlett shakes her head oh no baby I'm buying you the good stuff." you smile and nod " as long as you stop embarrassing me."  Scarlett smirks  " no promises."

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