Dont disrepect my mom

898 27 1

August: 21 2:30 pm

   You finally finish shopping for some new clothes.  You hold all the bags so your mom can hold Rose. You smile at your mom " thank you mama. I needed some new pants." Scarlett laughs " I know. I wash your clothes." you laugh " and we can get food on the way home?" Scarlett nods " of course. Rose is hungry too." you guys are about to work outside when you guys see all the paparazzi. Your mom groans and covers Rose and heads you your sunglasses and you fix your baseball cap. " y/n.  We are handling this the same way we always do." you nod " ok mama. My main focus is on you and Rose. I can handle myself." Scarlett gives you a look and you guys walk outside. Everyone start screaming Scarlett's name. They start pushing to get closer and you pull your mom closer to you.  One tries to reach out for your mom's arm and you shove them back and the guy gets angry and takes a swing at you and you block it. " Get back" you scream and pull your mom behind you. The paparazzi tries to punch you again and you block it and punch him back. Scarlett screams " y/n! Don't!" everyone gasps. Some take more photos while others try to help you. The security runs out and breaks up the fight. You only ended up getting a bloody lip. Your mom pulls you to the car while the some of the security walks you guys to the car. She gets Rose in and you get in and sigh annoyed. Scarlett gets in and she looks at you and grabs some napkins. " what were you thinking?" she dabs your lip and you pull away " I saw him try to touch you and I flip. Nobody touches my mom. I wasn't thinking." Scarlett kisses your head " listen to me. You don't have to protect me. I'm supposed to protect you. I have been handling paparazzi my whole career. If one touches me. I know how to handle it." you look at your mom " but I ." Scarlett cuts you off " but nothing. Don't forgot baby boy. I'm black widow. I have had practice to kick some ass." you laugh as Rose looks at you guys " mama said a bad word." you guys turn around and start laughing. You smile at Rose " mama did. We will send mama to timeout when we get home deal?" Rose smiles  " deal." Scarlett laughs at you two " oh you two are not double-teaming me." she plays with your hair " but I'm serious. You little man never have to defend. I can handle myself and I'm supposed to protect you." you nod " mom I'm not little anymore." Scarlett kisses your head " you always be my baby."

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