I will miss him

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April 12
You are a year
12:30 pm
      Scarlet changes your diaper and sets you in a  onesie. She smiles and kisses your head "  daddy should be on his way here. He misses you already. He is going to spend the whole day with you.." You smile and whisper " dada." and kick your legs your dad knocks on the door and adjusts the bags of toys. Scarlett scoops you up and walks to the door and opens it " hey Benny. How are you?" Benny smiles " I'm good. I brought some toys for the little man. " he smiles at you and tickles you. You giggle and Scarlett smiles " do you wanna go to the park? It is a nice day. I can get the stroller ready." Benny nods and sits the bags down " no stroller I will hold him." Scarlett chuckles " he is heavy. You will get tired." Benny grabs you " I have carried heavier things before. My son isn't heavy." You smile and look at your dad " I can carry the diaper bag too. Are we ready to go?" Scarlett nods " let me just grab my shoes and his blanket and bag ." Benny nods and tickles you " I love you so much, buddy. Let go have some fun maybe we can get some ice cream. I think I can convince your mama." You smile and drool a little Benny laughs and wipes it off as Scarlett comes back "ready boys?" They walk to the park and your dad lets you walk a little. Scarlett smiles at Benny " he was calling for you last night. When he woke up for milk." Benny smiles "  oh yeah? What did you do? I could have come over. I wouldn't have cared." Scarlett smiles " no I just give him his teddy bear. He loves hearing your voice." Benny smiles fade " I'm going to miss him. This is the part that everyone hates. " you swing your dad's hand and point at the cotton candy. Benny smiles " of course buddy. Let go!" he picks you up and gets you cotton candy. And you guys sit down and eat the cotton candy. You smile and lean against your dad." da! Ducks! Quack!" Your parents laugh and your mom kisses your head and fixes your hair. your dad smiles "  he needs a haircut." Scarlett shakes her head " I like his hair. And he loves me playing with it and I can't do it that if you shave it off." Benny sighs " fine I will wait." " ma? " you point to the slides and Scarlett scoops you up " let go sweet boy." Benny waits at the end and Scarlett and you slide down and your dad catches you and you giggle.  You guys have a good day at the park with the swings and slides and the ducks. You yawn and snuggle into your dad " buddy do you want ice cream?" you nod and smile. You guys share a sundae. And head home you get fussy and Scarlett takes you from your dad. He looks at you and watches your mom get you to sleep. He sighs " so I have my mom coming over every month to drop off 500 dollars for him. Scarlett smiles " you don't have to give that much. I'm doing well. Here give me his blanket I'm going to put him in his crib." Benny shakes his head  " I want to hold him. I'm going to miss him. I'm going to miss you so much." He rocks you and fixes the blanket. Scarlett rubs Benny's shoulder " I will send you pictures all the time.  He is going to miss you." Benny smiles and just holds you" I want updates all the time. Lucky I will only be gone for 7 months and then home 2 months. Oh, and my parents are just a call away. " Scarlett chuckles  " thank you.  But he will be fine."Benny nods and kisses your head. He stays with you the whole time. And doesn't let you go.

One month later:
You are cuddling with your mom and are holding your teddy bear.  You sigh " dada?" Scarlett rubs your back " daddy isn't here; he is at work. He misses you through." You huff and hold your bear. Scarlett chuckles and plays with your hair" remember daddy loves you very much." You snuggle against your mom and she sings you lullabies.

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