Change of career paths

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Age: 19

You had just finished your physical therapy for the day; you had gotten your cast-off about two weeks ago. And have physical therapy to get your leg back to practice; you smile and drink some water " so what does it  take to be a physical therapist?" Maddie looks over " oh  well you do have to go to college; you need an undergraduate in science and pre-med classes but it is worth it." She smiles at you " are you thinking about becoming one?" You nod " my contract ends in about 5 months and I don't think I wanna sign another one. My mom wants me to think about college." Maddie smiles " well I can help you with studying." She helps you up and smiles " here let me give you my number  and I can help you  with whatever." You smile and nod and give her your phone; she puts her number in your phone. She rubs your shoulder as your mom texts you and your smile " umm my mom is here.  I will text you later."  Maddie nods " well I will see you next time."    You walk out to your mom's car with a huge smile on your face; Scarlett looks at you   " what is that  smile on your face?" You chuckle " oh umm nothing besides I don't think   I'm going to sign another contract. I think I want to be a  physical therapist. I was told it was a lot of work but I want to do it. And it could lead to maybe becoming a doctor." Scarlett smiles " really? Are you sure ?" You nod and smile " can we stop and get chipotle? I'm starving." Scarlett nods and drives to chipotle and gives you her card you smile " thanks, mom." You get your food and head home.  You have about a month of physical therapy and then you are cleared to return to work. You had already talked to your sergeant and told him you weren't signing another contract. During this month you had closer to Maddie and had even had a couple of dates.  You are lucky enough to not go overseas and are just going to San Diego for 5 months.  You are packing your bag the night before you leave and Rose runs in and jumps on your bed " bubba why are you leaving again? I miss you and mama misses you a lot too." You chuckle " Rosie I'm only going to be gone for five months and then you and mama are stuck with me." Rosie nods and smiles " can I have your room  for my toy  room?" You shoot her a look " umm no I'm coming back home." She laughs and runs off; you finish packing and head out to found your mom. " hey mom I finish packing I'm going  to go say bye to dad and some friends ."   Scarlett nods " ok baby I will stay up for you." She hugs you tightly.

6 months later;

November 5th,2:30 pm Tuesday
You now live with your mom you go to school in the morning on Monday-Wednesday- Friday. And then work at your dad's construction afternoons and Tuesday and Thursday you work the full hours.    You walk into your dad's office " hey dad? Can I leave early today? I have a study group today."  your dad looks up from his paperwork " umm yeah that is fine I will just need you to stay extra on Thursday. And sit down I need to talk to you about something."   You nod and sit down " what is going on? Is everything ok?" your dad nods " are you confident about becoming a physical therapist? I'm just saying you are my oldest. You can talk over the family business I trust you." you sigh and roll your eyes  " seriously dad? I want to become a therapist. It could lead to a better future for me." your dad looks a you " so can the family business!" you get up "  why are you yelling at me? Why can't you respect my decision? You always want me to follow you with no questions asked. " your dad stands up  " watch your tone. I want you to realize that you have other options." You shake your head " you know what dad. Forget it; because I'm not doing what you want. You are upset but I can do what I want. Mom supports me no matter what.  I'm leaving"  you leave and head home and walk-in all mad Scarlett comes out from her office and looks confused " Hey is everything ok? Why did you slam my door?" you sigh annoyed " dad doesn't want me to go to college; he wants me to take over the family business"  Scarlett shakes her head and crosses her arms " umm no you aren't. You are going to college; you are craving your path. I will talk to him for you. Go to your study group and have fun. I will see you later." you nod and " thank you
Mom you are the best." you leave.

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