Single Parent time

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      Age: 6 months
Monday June 19th 5:30 am

       Scarlett is driving to the airport to drop Ben off. She sighs and looks back at him as he watches you sleep.  Ben looks up and smiles at Scarlett " what are you thinking babe?" Scarlett shakes her head " I'm just going to miss you. And I know our son is too." Ben nods " I'm going to miss you two. But I will be back in November and home for Junior's first Thanksgiving and Christmas and birthday." he plays with your hand and Scarlett chuckles " you wake him up you are dead." Ben laughs " what are you hoping to sleep when you get home?" Scarlett nods " it would be nice." Ben sighs and kisses your head " and you have play dates every Thursday with Logan and Zach." Scarlett " I know love. We set everything up multiple times." she pulls up to the drop off and gets off with Ben. He sets his bag down and hugs Scarlett tightly " everything will be fine. Junior is a easy baby. And your parents and my parents are only a call away. And before you know it your sexy baby daddy will be back." Scarlett smiles and kisses Ben " let me get Junior." she gently takes you out of your car seat and you stir but continue sleeping. Ben smiles and gently takes you. He holds you and kisses your head " daddy will be home soon. And then we can bug mama all the time." he inhales your scent and kisses your head again. He stays quiet and rocks you and then hands you over " be good for mama." he sets you back in the carseat and buckles you up. He grabs his bag and kisses Scarlett " I will call you as soon as I can. Drive safe." Scarlett nods " you be safe too. We be waiting for you." Ben smiles and heads inside. Scarlett gets in the car " let go home bubba. Mama is tired."

That night @
      7:00 pm

         Scarlett pulls  you out of the bathtub and wraps you up in your duck towel. You babble and  reach for Scarlett necklace. You put it in your mouth " Hey. No that is icky. Leave it alone." You squeal  and pull it and Scarlett kisses your head and lays you down on the bed. You babble and roll over and Scarlett grabs you " hey be careful Y/N." You grunt and try to sit up and clap. Scarlett smiles and changes you into your pjs

       Scarlett smiles and combs your hair and sits next you to while you play with your feet

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       Scarlett smiles and combs your hair and sits next you to while you play with your feet. She yawns and turns on the tv and goes through the channels.  As you scream and Scarlett looks down as you giggle and blow bubbles. She smiles and gets up and grabs some toys and sets  them on the bed. You grab a ball and smile and chew on the ball. 

       Scarlett lets you play until you start getting hungry and she gets position and feeds you. You grunt and look around and Scarlett chuckles " bubba you can't move around just eat ok. You have to go to sleep." you look up and stare your mom.  She smiles and stares back at you and rocks you.  You finish eating and Scarlett burps you and lays you down. She puts pillows around you and sets up your lullabies. She yawns and gets ready for bed doing her nightly routine. She watches you out the corner of her eye waiting for you to fall asleep. You spit out your pacifier and start kicking your legs babbling and squealing. Scarlett sighs " bubba you are supposed to be sleeping." she finishes washing her face and changes. She comes in and lays with you rubbing your stomach and plops the pacifier back in your mouth. You spit it out and squeal Scarlett gives you a look " I didn't give birth to a dinosaur. Now stop squealing." you babble and roll over trying to lift your head. Scarlett lays you back down on your back and brings you close to her and kisses your head.  You cuddle with her and continue blabbing.  Scarlett yawns and closes her eyes she about to fall asleep when you squeal and she opens her eyes " bubba. Mama is tired and daddy isn't here. So mama needs you to fall asleep so she can."  you babble and she rocks you. You finally fall asleep around 9:30. And Scarlett finally falls asleep until you wake up at 11:00 kicking your legs. You babble and Scarlett wakes up and sighs " bubba. Why are you awake?" she gently pick you up and rocks singing lullabies. You finally fall asleep but keep waking up every two hours leaving your mom completely exhausted and wishing Ben never left.

Thursday playdate:
     Scarlett finally settles you down for nap and yawns " hopefully you sleep more then two hours. Why did you start doing this when daddy left?" she fixes your blinds making sure no light is coming in and quietly closes the door when there a knock on the door " shit." Scarlett whispers and pokes her head in your room and sees you still sleeping. She smiles and heads to the door; she opens and is confused when she sees Bella and Haley with their babies " hey what are you guys doing here?"  Bella adjusts Logan's " playdate Thursday?" Scarlett shakes her head " of course! I'm so sorry! Y/n has been waking up every two hours since Ben left and I haven't slept at all  and I just got him to take nap. It is hard without Ben." she sniffles and rubs her face. Bella smiles " why didn't you call us sooner? We would have taken him in a heartbeat so you can sleep."  Scarlett cries " because I feel like if I can't do this without Ben I'm a failure." Bella shakes her head " oh honey no. Being a single mom is hard. You had Ben to help. You are no way a failure.  You are doing your best. So go take a much-needed nap.And Haley and I will wait for junior to wake up and we will have our playdate." Scarlett nods " are you sure?" Haley nods and smiles " of course. Now go." Scarlett smiles " thank you so much." Bella nods " of course.  Anything for family." your mom finally got to sleep and when you woke up you get to spend time with your cousins.

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