Having a sister

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January 5 Monday
7:30 am
Scarlett is married to Romain

You yawn and walk downstairs. Your mom looks over " someone woke up late." you nod and sit down " yeah sorry. You grab a plate and grab some bacon and pancakes. Scarlett gives you a look " take some fruit please." you roll your eyes and take a banana and strawberries. Scarlett " I haven't been liking this attitude." you look down " I haven't been liking Romain we just have to get used to it." Scarlett takes a breath and sighs " ok. We have to talk." she reaches for your hand and you pull away. She sighs " Romain isn't going to leave anytime soon. I'm pregnant."  you look disgusted "  great another mini Romain. I'm so excited" Scarlett gives you a look " he isn't so bad. You just gotta give him a chance." You roll your eyes and push your plate away " I think dad is here. I will see you later." You grab your backpack and mumble " I just get lunch from school." Scarlett reaches to hug you and you pull away " bye mom." She rubs her face and cleans up.

Around the afternoon time, Scarlett calls Ben and he picks up" sorry guys baby mama is calling me. This is important. Just focus on the north side of the building."
Scarlett chuckles " do you really call me your baby mama."
Ben smiles " yeah I do. Anyways what is going on? Is y/n ok?"
Scarlett: I'm having an attitude problem with him. Has he?
Benny cuts Scarlett off
I will talk to him. You know I don't tolerate any disrespect.
Scarlett: Benny it's not that. He has been like this since I married Romain. Has he had any problems with any of your girlfriends?
Ben: yeah of course. Remember Heather? He hated her. You just gotta sit him down and ask him directly what the issue is. Our son is like an onion peel layers off. I can talk to him if you need me to.
Scarlett shakes her head: I would appreciate that but it should be me talking to him. I will pick him up after basketball practice.
Benny: ok. Just let me know if you need help.
They hang up and Scarlett continues working until Romain comes in for fun. She picks you up around 5:30 and you ignore her listening to your headphones. She parks and you run upstairs avoiding her and Romain. She sighs annoyed as Romain looks from the kitchen " what is his problem?" Scarlett shrugs her shoulders " I have to find out. I told him the news today and he been weird." Romain kisses her deeply " well I love that we are having a baby." Scarlett chuckles " well I am too. But let me go talk with him. Dinner is already done. Just get a bowl." She goes upstairs and knocks on your door. You ignore her knock and she knocks louder and walks in " we're you ignoring me?" You shake your head and take out your earbud " what do you want?" Scarlett " this attitude I don't appreciate it. Can you please tell me what going on?" You shake your head and Scarlett sits next to you " you have been weird since I married Romain. Are you not happy about getting a sibling?" You roll your eyes " of course I am happy. But I already know they are going to be like Romain. So I'm good!" Scarlett looks at you " don't yell at me. You know better. What is your problem with Romain?" You look down " he just weird." Scarlett nods " do you wanna explain?" You shake your head and nod " it just like he tries to flaunt your relationship. And both of our relationships with you are completely different. I'm your son. It's just like he trying to mark you as his own. And it is weird when every time I need something or I walk into the kitchen he has his tongue down your throat." Scarlett nods and rubs " I will talk to him about that ok? And we will set some time just for us deal?" You nod " ok mom and I'm sorry for yelling." Scarlett kisses your head " I'm not mad. And you are definitely excited about the sibling?" you nod and smile " of course I've been wanting a brother for a while." Scarlett chuckles  " or maybe a sister?" you make a face " I want a brother."

August 30, 2007
2:30 pm

   Your dad takes you to the hospital to meet your sister. You smile as he drops you off and you walk up to the room. You gently knock and your mom whispers " come in." you smile " hi mama. Is that rose?" Scarlett nods and adjusts Rose " wanna hold her?" you nod and smile you sit next to your mom and smile as she lays Rose in your arms. You smile wide " she is tiny." Scarlett chuckles " she is smaller than you for sure. Mr. 9 pounds. You know your job right big brother?" you shake your head as Scarlett yawns " you have to protect her no matter what. No guys." you nod and whisper " I will always protect you, Rosie."

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