A different beginning part 4

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*A special character appearance in this one😉*

       Btw no hate. I love Lizzie

     Scarlett runs into the hospital and quickly gets your room number. She runs into the room and the doctor looks over " Mother right?" Scarlett nods and sets her purse down " Is he ok? What happen?" she brushes the hair out of your eyes and kisses your head. Watching you sleep peacefully she sighs and looks back at the doctor. The doctor sets his notepad down " laceration to the middle of the penis. Required ten stitches. But everything should still work properly. It will be easy to recover. No sex until the stitches come out. But what I'm more worried is mental health. It is clear that he self harm himself. Once he wakes up we will have a psychologist come up and speak with Mr. Walker." Scarlett takes a shakey breathe and holds your hand " Ok... Has his girlfriend shown up?" The doctor shakes his head " Not yet." Scarlett sighs and focuses on you as she plays with your fingers. She whispers " Come on baby boy I need you to wake up. I can't lose you."
Three hours later:

You have finally wake up and you try to sit up but Scarlett stops you " Hey don't move. Let get the doctor." You nod and look at her confused and grab her hand " I'm sorry." Scarlett kisses your head " Don't worry babe." The doctor comes and the psychologist follows. Scarlett waits for the psychologist in the hallways as Lizzie walks in and sees Scarlett " Oh hey. What are you doing here?" Scarlett scoffs " What am I doing here? Well they call me because you didn't show right away. And he needed surgery." Lizzie adjusts her purse " Sorry. Is he good through?" Scarlett sighs annoyed " He is going to be fine. He had to get ten stitches. But he is going to have to get therapy. What happen? How did he believe this was the best option? He is perfect like he is." Lizzie shrugs her shoulders " I don't know. He has been off lately." Scarlett takes a breathe and ignores Lizzie until the psychologist comes out " Miss. Johansson? Can we talk?" Scarlett nods " Of course. What did he say?" The psychologist takes a breath " I believe he is suffering from depression so I'm starting him on Lexapro and I'm going to gather a list of therapists and you guys decide which one is best. Now another question I have....his father death? Did he ever go to grief groups or therapy?" Scarlett nods " He did. But he  said it wasn't helping. So he stop going I didn't think he was suffering. He normally tells me everything. He hasn't said anything."  The psychologist nods " Well we will start the medicine and therapy." Scarlett nods and walks in to see you and Lizzie arguing as Lizzie immediately stops when she sees Scarlett. You look down and play with your fingers " Hey mama." Scarlett quickly hugs you and you cuddle against her and sniffle trying to hold back your tears. She rocks you and kisses your head " You will be ok. Mama is here." She looks at Lizzie and then back at you rubbing your back. Feeling your mom presence let's  you finally break down everything you were feeling. She rocks you " Let it out....you are going to be ok."  You eventually fall asleep and Scarlett lays you back down on your pillow. She glares at Lizzie " What is going on with you two?" Lizzie sighs annoyed " Nothing. He's just being over dramatic. I was late thirty minutes and he just decides to do this." Scarlett shakes her head "  He wouldn't have done this without a reason. Did you say something?" Lizzie gets up " I didn't! I'm leaving. I don't appreciate this accusations." She grabs her purse and leaves . Scarlett holds your hand and watches you sleep.

     2 weeks later
Scarlett house in L.A

Scarlett smiles at you " This is good for you. It gets you out of the house and you always had a crush on Florence Pugh." You pack a shirt into your suitcase and smile " Mom I'm still dating Lizzie. She coming over tonight for dinner." Scarlett sighs " I know. And I like Lizzie but I don't feel like she the right one for you." You sigh " Mama I don't want to have this conversation again. I'm with Lizzie. I'm giving her another chance and she has been showing me she interested in this relationship. So just drop it for me. I'm going to film Fighting with Family and then I be back for Endgame." Scarlett nods and packs your jacket " Fine. I just want you to be happy. Pack a extra jacket it cold in England. I'm going to check on the pasta." You nod and continue packing until you hear the doorbell and cheek it and answer it. You give Lizzie a peck on the cheek " Hey Beautiful. Come on in. My mom made pasta." Lizzie gives you a small smile and follows you " Hey Mom. Lizzie is here." Scarlett looks up " Hey Lizzie. How are you?" Lizzie smiles " I'm good. How about you?" Scarlett nods " I'm good...." Scarlett serves everyone a bowl and sits down. You get some water for you and your mom and Lizzie and sit down. You guys have idle chat and afterward you and Lizzie head into your room " So what movie do you wanna? You know my personal favorite is Top Gun." Lizzie groans " No." She moves your laptop and lays down " Put in Wizard of Oz." You make a face " Umm but what about action movie?" Lizzie shoots you a look and you sigh " Fine. We can watch Wizard of Oz." You put it in and lay down next to Lizzie. You reach over to cuddle with her and Lizzie cuddles close to you. You guys watch the movie as Lizzie sighs " Do you really need to leave?" You look down " Yeah. My mom thinks it a good idea....and it just a family movie. It is good to get out of here for awhile." Lizzie sighs annoyed " It just Endgame is coming up and We need to get in shape." You nod " I know but I will be back right before filming. It will be fine.... And you can come visit me." You draw circles on her back and Lizzie nods. You guys spend a lazy evening together and then she leaves. You get everything ready for your flight.

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