Hunting trip

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Tuesday, Oct 5
12:30 pm

    Scarlett is going through emails and seeing which auditions are coming up that her agent has signed her up for. She sighs and looks through the dates and jumps when her phone starts ringing " hello. Scarlett speaking."
Benny: hey baby mama I have a question.
Scarlett: yes Benjamin? What is going on?
Benny: can I have y/n from Oct 19 through the 26?
Scarlett: you know you don't have to ask you can just pick him up. Just make sure he goes to school
Benny: Yeah that the thing... It's deer season and all the boys are heading to Cold Brook to go hunting. Y/n has been working so hard for his license and is going to be manly time.
Scarlett starts laughing
Ben are you seriously asking for our child to miss school for hunting? I don't even know what to say to that.
Benny: you can say yes? Logan and Zack are missing school and our son is smarter than them so he can catch up. It is only a week.
Scarlett sighs annoyed
The best I can give you is Friday through Sunday. You guys can leave Thursday after school. And be back for school on Monday.
Benny: no way I can't change your mind?
Scarlett: nope. Take it or leave it
Benny: fine I will take it. Geez. That was harsh. Anyways make sure he has warm clothes we are roughing it. No showers no RV no phones. And get camouflage clothes I think he grow out of them.
Scarlett nods
Will do ben. Anything else?
Benny: nope that is it, baby mama. Thank you.

She hangs up and rubs her face she continues working until she has to pick up Rose from preschool and you from football practice. Then She gets you from school and takes you shopping for the clothes Ben ask for.

1 week later
The night before the trip:

Scarlett brings up your clean clothes and knocks on the door and walks in " hey bubba I brought your clothes. I want you to pack extra sweat pants I read it is going to be cold." you look over and smile " yes mama. I'm so excited. It is going to be so fun!" Scarlett sits down and smile " did you talk to your teachers about anything you be missing." You nod " yes. Only thing I will be missing is a spelling test. But I'm going to take during lunch." Scarlett chuckles " thank you for being responsible." You smile " no problem mama. You taught me well.I'm really excited for this. I want to get a big buck. Like the turkey I got. That was wild." Scarlett chuckles and helps you fold your clothes " and we still have a turkey for Thanksgiving." you smile wide " your welcome mama." you guys talk and pack until you go to bed.

Your dad had picked you up from school and then had headed out to Cold Brooks which was about 5 hours away. You and dad talk about school to football to the girl you like. Once you get to the camping site at 7:00 you help your dad set up the tent and he gives you an extra blanket " I don't want you to get sick." Nathan (Logan's dad ) bangs on your tent " hey ben wanna help with the hotdogs and beans?" Ben chuckles " of course, I'm the only one that knows how to cook." you guys walk out and you go mess around with Logan and Zach while Ben, Nathan and Brady start cooking. Your dad makes bacon wrap chili hotdogs with beans as a side. They call for dinner and you guys eat and talk about going out tomorrow morning. Zack starts farting and everyone looks at him he shrugs " it is the beans. I can't help it ." Brady shakes his head " only my kid right guys?" he laughs and pats Zack back.

The next morning: 5:30 am
You and your dad hike to your hunting blind and you rub your eyes " why couldn't we go at 6 like Logan and Uncle Brady?" Your dad sighs " because we have to set our blind." you adjust your beanie. You nod and follow once you get the spot you help your dad and climb in. You fall asleep as your dad keeps an eye out for bucks he looks back at you and chuckles and whispers " lazy." he sends a picture to Scarlett and continues to be on the lookout. Around 7:15 a buck follows in and starts eating. Ben leans back and whispers " bubba it is time." and shakes you. You wake up and yawn " where is the buck?" You look around and smile " he is here! Look how big it is!" Ben shushes you as the buck runs off. You sigh annoyed " I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." He rubs your back " it is ok. We will get it next time. Let's head back for breakfast." you nod and follow him " We are going out later today right?" Ben nods of course. We have today and tomorrow. I'm sure we will get one." you guys head back to the camping site. And you see Logan got his deer you look at your dad and he rubs your back " you will get one. Don't worry" for the rest of day you guys just lounge around and play football and nap but as soon as 5:30 hits your dad and you walk to the blind; you climb up and whisper " I want to get one dad. I want to beat Logan." ben chuckles " you will. Now let's wait." you sit next to your dad and watch the field. You start getting bored until two bucks run in butting antlers. You smile wide and your dad gives you the gun " steady yourself." you line up your and whisper " I'm so excited." you dad chuckles " calm down. Breath in and breathe out. And now take your shot." you take your shot and see the buck go down. You smile wide " dad I did it!" he pats your back " let go cheek it out." you guys head down the hill and you smile wide " dad! Look at the antlers! Logan only got a 10 point this is a 12 point." your dad smiles " hold up the head so I can send a picture to your mom." you nod and you take a photo.
Logan was jealous of the deer and vowed next hunting season he will beat you.

3 weeks later
6:30 pm

You, Rose, and Scarlett are having dinner when your dad knocks on the door. Scarlett gets up " don't you dare give your veggies to Buddy. I'm watching you two." rose giggles and Scarlett opens the door " oh hey benny everything ok?" Ben nods " I brought something for bubba." he holds up the deer head and Scarlett yells " no way in hell that is coming in my house. You can put it in your house." Ben chuckles " oh come on. I think it bring y/n room together."  you and rose poke your head into the room and Rose screams when she sees the deer head and runs off. And Scarlett sighs " take the head back to your house." she leaves to cheek on Rose. You smile " thanks dad it looks amazing."

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