Pulling Pranks (part 6)

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"Something's going on, everyone been pranked, and it isn't any of us, so has anyone gathered any new evidence?" Everyone had been pranked at this point, Tweak's hair had been dyed, Shellington had been covered in slime that apparently had dye in it so now he was walking around with red splotches throughout his coat, Dashi looked like a disco ball between the glitter and colorful streaks that she had refused to remove, much to Barnacles annoyance. Peso's medical bag had been replaced with a poodle shaped purse. and he didn't seem to mind too much. All of Kwazii's clothes had been replaced with princess dresses, tutus, and glittery boots...let's just say it stopped being funny after that. As for poor Barnacles, well he had targets glued to the back of his pants and only found out at the store, and by then, well... he had become a meme.

"I found this toy wand if that helps, but then again it might be Kwazii's." Shellington spoke up, elicting laughs from everyone except Inkling, who rolled his eyes considering it had been three weeks, and still no one had figured it out.

"Is it just me, or does that look just like Koshi's toy wand?" Dashi asked Tweak, who nodded.

"Yeah...Hold on, I think we're on to something here." Tweak spoke as she grabbed the bin they had placed the rest of the things they had found. "Alright, everyone label what belongs to who. I've got Dad's hat."

Elsewhere on the Octopod

"About time, featherpaws figured it out."

"Tell me about it, Dashi and I are definitely going to read more mystery books, so she'll hopefully figure it out faster next time." Koshi smiled as she rolled her eyes.

"Can we go down now?" Pinto questioned, excited to get a picture of peso with the poodle purse.

"No, no, we must wait for them to find us. Meantime, let us have a bit of fun..."

"This is riduculous, utterly riduculous!" Koshi exclaimed as everyone dressed up in trench coats and shades before Pearl threw a pink coat to her, stifleing a snicker as Koshi smiled while putting it on.

Back to the Octonauts

"Finally, it is about time you figured it out."

"Wait...you knew this whole time!"

"Yes, I found out three weeks ago." Inkling responded to Barnacles with a deadpan look.

"Where are they hiding?" The bear sighed.

"Follow me."

With the Octoagents

"Strike a pose, they're coming!" Min said as they gathered together.


"How long have you all been hiding up here?" Barnacles questioned the group as they all opened their cameras on their phones.

"I dont even remember how long by now..." Bianca spoke slowly as her little brother rolled his eyes

"We're forgetting the best part, April Fools!" Pinto shouted happily.

"Pinto, it's July....." His brother responded.

"Oh, happy July Fools then!"

Yes! It didn't take nearly as long to teach phoenix as I thought it would. So... I hope you enjoyed, write to you later!

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