Beep Boop (Part 2)

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"So... Why are we here?" Tweak asked with an eye roll seeing as there were better things she had better things to do with her time. Kwazii was just pouting like a five year old.

"We're here because you two are scaring the crew again." Barnacles sighed as he dragged the two into the psychiatrist office. It was a clean office with the occasional vase and magazine stack laying around. Barnacles went to check them in as the troublesome duo went to sit down and wait.

Eventually Kwazii was called to the back and was told to sit down on the cream colored chaise chair while he waited for the psychiatrist to come in. Soon enough the door creaked open and a beautiful lioness with a kind smile sat down across from him before shaking her head with a chuckle, as a sheepish Kwazii opened his mouth to explain what happened the lioness, Prairie, cut him off. "Really Kwazii, there's no need to explain, I've already been briefed on what happened and in all honesty, I can't help you considering you dont have any issues or problems... Well besides a few missing braincells anyway." Prairie went to leave the room she stopped and spoke while laughing, "You really are a scientific marvel."

After Kwazii was out Tweak was called to the back. She wasn't happy to say the least, there were multiple eyerolls and smart remarks aimed towards Prairie and Barnacles. As she walked to the back she resolved to annoy everyone there until they let her leave. She sat down on the chaise lounge chair waiting for Prairie to come in meanwhile wondering how she could annoy everyone. "So Tweak, do I want to know why you're here this time." Prairie sighed knowing Tweak and Kwazii would be the end of her.

"Nope we were just having fun and actually not plotting how to annoy each other." Tweak rolled her eyes as she fought to hide a smirk.

"Tweak, stop trying to hide that smirk, and also, really? Wearing boxes while playing video games, only you two, only you."

Lets just say that Tweak and Kwazii were annoyed with everyone for the next few weeks......

A/N shameless plug.... I haven't really been updating it but yeah.... SHERIFF CALLIE ONESHOT BOOK! Thank you and until next week and here are some things I drew

 SHERIFF CALLIE ONESHOT BOOK! Thank you and until next week and here are some things I drew

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The two Kits are based on the show Creature Cases.

The two Kits are based on the show Creature Cases

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