Pulling Pranks ( Part 2 )

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As the green bunny seethed in her bathroom, Kwzaii laughed and went about getting ready for the day with a skip in his step. He made his way to HQ with a smile on his face, skip in his step, and fighting back a smug grin.

"Well, good morning to you Kwazii. What's got you so happy?" Captain Barnacles said to the cat.

"Oh, nothin' much Captin' how are you t'day" The orange cat smiled at the bear, eliciting a frightened gulp and sidestep from the bear as he stared at kwaii with a weary expression.

"Oh, good...you didn't murder anyone in their sleep last night, did you?" Barnacles stared at Kwazii as he asked his question, to which the ginger cat replied, "Nope, why." then he started to whistle as he walked away.

"Stupid cat." Tweak muttered as she got dressed for the day. "I'm going to get him for this." She continued to grumble as she walked to Dashi's room in hope she could get help with her hair.

"Um, wow...that's...something." the chocolate doxin stared dumbfounded, at a loss for what to say, seeing tweak with bright orange hair.

"I blame that idiot cat. He's always doing something he shouldn't be, or sticking his nose in someone elses business." Tweak spoke as Dashi  nodded her head towards the vanity, signaling her to sit down.

"Okay, I'm going to be straightforward with you. I won't be able to get this dye out, or I'll end up damaging your hair since it's already going to be weak from the bleaching elements in the dye." Dashi smiled sypathatically at her friend. "I do have something in mind that will lighten it overtime though, and I can also help you hopefully find a hairstyle that will look nice with bright orange hair."

Tweak smiled gratefully at her friend, happy to have help from a certified style genius. "Thanks Dash, I owe you bigtime."

"No worries, so what're you gonna do to find out whoever pranked you." Dashi questioned the green, well green and orange bunny as she applied leave-in conditioner to her paws and gently massagged it into Tweaks hair,

"I already know who pranked me." Tweak spoke."But what I am wondering about is how he manages to be so immature." She said with a glimmer in her eye, excited for the excuse to prank Kwazii.

Apparently, Dashi saw it to since the doxin warned her."I doubt you're going to listen to me, but just be sure it was Kwazii, okay? You don't want to accidentally accuse the wrong crewmate, right?"

Tweak sighed, "Fine, I'll make sure it was him. But once I do, that cat's done for."

"I expect nothing less knowing you, you probably have twenty contingincy plans for him going on a pranking spree"

Tweak grinned, "You know me too well."

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