Gimme that cookie!🍪 (part 4)

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As Dashi and Shellington ran into Kwazii's room Dashi opened the secret room and started glaring at Tweak and Kwazii as they looked like deer in headlights before Dashi spoke "well well well I see we now have to fight for it."

"Yeah we are so dead Kwaz." Tweak said. "Yeah tell me something I don't know but we might as well go down with the last cookie right?"Kwazii asked.

"Yep So let's RUUUNNNN!!!"

"Right behind you!"

As Shellington and Dashi went to chase them on the other side of the Octopod Captain Barnacles and Peso were finishing up their tripwire.

Dashi and Shellington chased tweak and Kwazii right into it sadly the tripwire was still held by Captain Barnacles and Peso so when they tripped over everyone went down the octoshoot to the library.

Shouts of "Awe come on" "Dangit!" "Well I'll be a sea monkeys uncle" "Are you serious!" echoed throughout the library and Professor Inkling was not having it. "CAN YOU ALL BE QUIET FOR ONE MINUTE FOR GOODNESS SAKE!" They all looked around guiltily avoiding looking at professor Inklings eyes .

"Sorry" they all mumbled guilty of their actions. As they all apologized to each other Professor Inkling picked up the cookie and bit into it "Well that's how the cookie crumbles."he chuckled.

 octonauts one shots ( Kid Friendly )Where stories live. Discover now