Gala Troubles

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Dashi smiled as she twirled in her phenomenal new dress and danced throughout the room with excessive aplomb. "I absouletely love it!" The chocolate doxin exclaimed with a sparkling smile.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Tweak questioned as she walked, well, more like was dragged into the mall by her best friend"I don't even own a sundress, let alone a evening gown."

"Well it's time to change that." Dashi grinned and continued pulling Tweak into the boutique they saw while the bunny went limp, drawing quite a few stares from passerbys. Employing the signature Dashi glare, Dashi sent the curious groups on their way. "First stop, dresses."

"Ugh, do I have to?" Tweak grimaced at the thought of having to wear a stuffy dress and mingle with fancy snobs when she could be designing a new gup or gadget.

"Yes, you have to and stop overreactting. Its a charity gala for goodness sake, not a murder investigation."Dashi rolled her eyes at Tweak.

"Isn't the theme a murder mystery?" Tweak rolled her eyes.

"Okay, bad example."

"So...can I leave now?" Tweak asked, knowing it wouldn't make a difference.

"No! You can not leave!" Dashi spoke, exasperated with Tweak's hatred of dresses. Then she grinned and spoke, "If you stop complaining and actually find a dress and wear it to the gala I" At this Dashi was puzzled and stammered as she tried to figure out what tweak wanted.

Seeing Dashi stumped, trying to figure out what she wanted, Tweak snickered, "Face it Dash, you dont have anything I want."

"Yeah, that's true, but I'm sure there's tons of stuff you want me to stop doing." Dashi laughed as Tweak grumbled, knowing she was stuck in a corner before smiling with a smug glint in her eyes. "Well then, what are you waiting for? There're plenty of things I want you to stop doing, after all."

Dashi snickered and spoke,"I'll stop going into your bathroom at 3:00 A.M. to take your shampoo."

"Deal!", Shouted Tweak, ecstatic that Dashi will finally stop waking her up trying to steal her shampoo at night.

Yeah I didn't have much time to write this be continued.

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