Leaving a mark ( Part 1 )

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Kwazii smiled as he watched the little dolphin pup swim away with his mother. "Arrr, I'll miss ye little matey."

"Come on Kwazii, let's head back inside." Barnacles smiled at his lieutenant.

Ten years later.....

"I wonder how he's doing?" A now grown dolphin smiled as he recounted the story of how Kwazii and the Octonauts helped him find his Mom to his own pups.

Kwazii left his mark
"Aideu, Peso!"
Simone smiled as she and her nest swam far into the ocean. "Aideu, Simone, aideu!" A certain penguin waved happily to the venomous snake as she swam off into the distance.

Three years later.....

Simone smiled as she stared at her eggs. "I hope you have hearts as kind and gentle as the penguin."

Peso left his mark

Dashi waved goodbye to the sea snails from the gup as their day drew to a close and they returned home to the Octopod. "Bye dudes and dudettes!"


Two years later.....

"Wahoo! This is so rad!" Violet yelled in joy as she and Vick surfed the waves.

Dashi left her mark

Okay yeah I know I'm late updating this but here.

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