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Love, It takes a second to say it but your whole life to show. Peso knew what that meant, he had a family to depend on. He was always an outcast, and it's a bit weird when you're mom is you're date to the school dance, but he didn't mind. He was just happy to have someone who loved him for him.

Love, it was Dashi's idea of a perfect world where the sky seemed clearer, the grass greener, and everything more vibrant than before. Of course she knew true love was a one in a million chance, but it was still possible, as least to her.

Love, Kwazii always found it gross, it meant cooties in his mind. At least that's what he thought before he met Barnacles. He saw the man as a father and finally learned what love meant.

Love, Tweak was always a hopeless romantic, don't tell anyone. She would always watch romance comedys with Dashi through the claim of nothing better to do, but in all honesty she liked watching them with her...... Again, don't tell anyone.

Love, Inkling knew of his opinion on love. He saw it as those he chose to have in his life. He loved all of the Octonauts as if they were his own grandchildren.

Love, Barnacles never really thought about it to much, though occasionally his mind did wander and the middle-aged polar bear did think of what the world would be like if love didn't exist. He supposed it would be a very cold world indeed. Let's just say he was happy to have his crew and he loved all of them and always would.

Love: definition


an intense feeling of deep affection.

a great interest and pleasure in something.


feel deep affection for (someone).

like or enjoy very much.

Shellington found it quite funny, it meant so many things to so many people. It could be money, a possession, an experience, or a person. but one thing was for certain to the young sea otter, he loved his family, both blood and not.

Love, Ember

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