Girls Day Out (Part 2)

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As Tweak and Dashi picked up Tweak's car they decided to go to the arcade. "You're going to go nuts with this thing right?" Dashi sighed as she asked the rhetorical question.

"Do you really need to ask?" Tweak spoke as she smiled manically.

"We're going to die aren't we?"

"HEY!" Tweak shouted turning a few heads as people looked at the two, though a glare from Dashi fixed that issue quickly.

As the girls drove off the lot in Tweak's 2022 Chevrolet Camero

As the girls drove off the lot in Tweak's 2022 Chevrolet Camero

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(Okay yeah i got it online)

Tweak smiled as she and Dashi buckled into the car and started on their way to the mall. "So, any games you're excited to play?"



"Snake, Just dance, and that one coin game."

"That one coin game?"

"Yep, it's the one where you get seven coins and try to knock the cards down." (I've played this game and its the best.)

After they got to the arcade Dashi made sure Tweak grabbed her wallet and phone while Dashi had everything she needed in her purse. As they walked, well more like raced, inside. "Tweak, please don't faint from all the games *cough* again *cough*"

"HEY! NOT COOL!" Tweak pouted as Dashi smirked.

"I know." Dashi smiled triumphantly as her best friend stuck her tongue out at her.

As they ran to the claw machine they both agreed that Tweak would probably win the first prize. "YES! I DID IT!" Tweak shouted, which turned a few heads, which again, summoned a glare from Dashi. What Tweak ended up winning was a Nintendo switch which she already needed a new one of since her old one was almost six years old and starting to glitch. Plus she just wanted a new one.

Dashi won a prize shortly after. She won a subscription for a professional photo editor. "Nice! See Tweak this is called an indoor voice." Dashi smiled jokingly at her friend as Tweak rolled her eyes.

Soon enough they finished playing games winning prizes and goofing off. They decided to just drive for a bit, which Dashi was happy to do since she could see the sights and get some photos.

They drove down the nearly empty street and Tweak smirked evilly as Dashi gulped fearfully. "Hey.. Dash....."

"Tweak, you can do this only on one condition."

"Which is?"

"When we get near other cars slow down."

"You got yourself a deal."

At Dashi's confirmation Tweak floored the gas eliciting a screech from the tires, as Dashi screeched while Tweak sped up fro 50 to 90 miles per hour. As Tweak sped down the road they began to hear sirens behind them Tweak smirked and yelled "I REGRET NOTHING!"

Meanwhile on the Octopod .........

"I swear their trying to convince me to retire." Barnacles groaned rubbing the bridge of his nose while watching the news, seeing as the headline on he news was 'Insane Driver Refuses to Pull Over Speeding Car While Yelling Nonsense' while he grabbed the keys to his car he started to wonder what was going through the two's brains.

"Ten bucks say he loses it dealing with them."

"You're on"

Back to the girls

"WAHOO!" Tweak yelled in glee as she pulled a tight turn before being cornered by a police car and being forced to pull over.

As she and and Dashi got out of the car an officer approached them " Hey sweethearts, mind me asking you a few questions?" the idiotic officer asked with a wink.

Dashi and Tweak could see exactly what he was attempting to pull and didn't want to deal with it. "Hey Dash"


"Do you remember what Cap said he would do if any boys started bugging us?"

At that Dashi snickered and said,"Yea, I remember and I pity this moron."

Standing to the sidelines was a young officer who was recently hired by the station. Marco saw the two weren't willing to put up with his coworkers stupidity, and honestly he could understand seeing as he stayed away from Jake whenever possible. The young wolf usually stayed quiet when he wasn't needed but he saw if someone didn't intervene of those girls would not cooperate, seeing as they were losing patience already. Marco walked over to the annoyed girls and his dumb coworker. "Hey Jake, I can take it from here." The wolf spoke to his coworker.

"Are you sure short stack?" Jake asked the small red-brown wolf, not really wanting to leave the pretty girls.

"First, yes I'm sure. Second, don't call me short me short stack!" Marco responded with a grin.

The girls looked at each other before Dashi spoke "So are you an idiot, or do you not flirt with everyone you meet?"

Marco chuckled and spoke, " Don't worry, I don't want to catch cooties. Anyway there's something I need to know if only so I hopefully won't feel the need to be nosy for the rest of the day." At Dashi and Tweak's questioning expressions he elaborated. "Everyone at the station is tired of me snooping in their business."

Dashi looked at Tweak and after a nod she spoke, " okay, and what is it you wanted to know?"

And the boy asked his question."Why were you acting so crazy earlier?"

At this question the girls smiled and yelled, "GIRLS DAY!"


Let's just say the aftermath of the girl's day ended with a speeding ticket, multiple arcade prizes, and a very annoyed Captain.

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