𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙩: 𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙞𝙧

330 10 8

"Okay does he have red hair?"


"So that's Todoroki and Kiri gone" he comments rubbing his chin again trying to think of another question. He was surprisingly determined to find out who you had a crush on.

"What if Shinobro was a girl but she was really ugly? Would you still love her ?"

"Of course! To me looks aren't everything, I've talked to Shinobro long enough to know that personality wise he's super kind, although he can be cold when going through problems. But if you think about looks when you want to date someone then you don't love them. At the end of the day we all go old and wrinkly so I'd prefer someone with a good personality any day! That way we won't get bored" every time he speaks, you find more reason to love him.

Without realising small glimpses of light begin to appear through the closed curtains. You look out your window and see the sunrise peaking through, grabbing your phone you check the time.

"Crap it's already 5am" you whisper

"Oh shit! Why does time go by so quickly" he whines, "before I go give me a hint" he pleads with puppy dog eyes making it hard to say no.

"fine" you sigh, "I'll tell you when you stand outside my door but after you leave promise me you'll sleep, ace the test, you won't ask about my crush anymore or tell anyone anything about what I said during this truth game"

You held out your pinky as he locks with it, "promise" the familiar surge of electricity runs through your body much like the first day you met.

He stands up and gathers his belongings making his way outside your door. He smiles, "now tell me"

"He has blonde hair" you smile, "Goodnight Denki" you wave him goodbye cutting off any words he wants to say.


"You're late" Bakugo groans from the front door of the dorms, kicking his feet off the wall.

"Bakugo? what are you still doing here?" You ask still feeling half awake while walking with him.

"Just felt like being here" he shrugs, "anyways what's up with you? didn't you sleep?" He asks bluntly stuffing his hands in his pockets

"I was up til 5 am studying for the English exam today" yawning while rubbing your eyes

"English exam? We don't have one, who told you that?" Bakugo's brows knit together

"Wait- what? Sero said" Bakugo scoffs immediately

"You really believe that dude? He loves doing these pranks, I can't believe you fell for it" he laughs aloud almost taunting you

You take a deep breath trying to calm yourself, "so you're telling me.. I slaved away, losing sleep for NOTHING!?" You yell finally fully awake from the anger

"Yep" Bakugo chuckles, "it's okay at least now you know not to trust Sero when it comes to school" he boops your nose to further tease you as you clench your jaw

"Fuckk!! When I see Sero I swear I'll-"

"Yeah, yeah, you'll kill him, but if we take this long Mr Aizawa will kill us both" Bakugo shows the time on his phone.

"Fuck I really slept in" you mumble running your fingers through your hair

"Do you trust me?" Bakugo blurts out suddenly catching you off guard from his question.

"Huh? I..guess?" You raise an eyebrow

In one swift move he lifts you up and holds you bridal style.

"Wait! Bakugo- what"

"Hold on tight princess" he smirks as you wrap your arms around his neck. His hand begin to glow blasting both of you through the air. Eek! You squeal holding onto him for dear life and nuzzling your head in the crook of his neck, too afraid to look around.

Finally you land with your feet touching the sweet ground as you exhale a breath of relief, "nows not the time to kiss the ground" Bakugo grabs your hand pulling you through the school doors and hallways.

At last you reached your homeroom, already out of breath from the mornings event plus being sleep deprived. Bakugo slides the door open.

"You're both late" Mr Aizawa comments in his scary tone

"Sorry" you both apologise. Hurriedly, you make your way to your seat until your steps halt.

"you forgot to let go" Bakugo smirks holding your hands which were interlocked. You try to break out of his grip but he holds on tighter.

"you're the one holding on tighter idiot" you roll your eyes at him

Mr Aizawa clears his throat clearly unimpressed, "please refrain from any physical contact inside the classroom" Instantly, Bakugo let's go as you both sat down in your respective seats.


Kami POV

The bell rings for homeroom with Mr Aizawa starting morning announcements. I turn around to see y/n's empty chair and check the time on my phone once again.

What if she overslept? We did study late then played drinking games until the morning, Maybe I should've woken her up?

After a couple of minutes the door slides open with Bakugo and y/n holding hands. She apologises and bows making her way to her seat, still holding hands.

Why are they holding hands? Are they dating?

I suddenly felt a little ache in my chest.

Why do I feel sad about it? Is it because I felt closer to her after last night?

Come to think of it she did confess that her crush had blonde hair. From my deduction it just leaves Ojiro, Ayoyama, Bakugo and Me.

what if she was talking about Bakugo?

and why do I feel so affected?

did I secretly wish it was me?

Ugh why is my feelings so confusing!?

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