𝙜𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙨

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The time passes by and it was already 3 am.

"Done!" Kaminari smiles showing you his note book actually filled up with information like a little kid trying to show their parents their homework,

"Good job Denki!" You ruffle his hair laughing at the mess afterwards, "my bad" you laugh fixing the parts that stuck up, "I'll get the soju"

While you were away getting the drink Kaminari blinks trying to process what happened. He touches his hair remembering your fingers running through them a few moments ago pulling a sheepish smile from his lips. He didn't know why it felt good being praised and acknowledged by you but he's happy regardless.

"I'm back!" You announce showing the bottle in your hand and two shot glasses.

Denki opens the bottle and pours the shots.

"y/n chan, do you want to play a game?" You raise an eyebrow

"What game?"

"a question game, so we each ask one another a question to get to know each other more and if you don't want to answer then you drink" He explains as you nod

"so we can ask anything?" You ask clarifying to him


"can I ask you first?" you ask him while he replies with an enthusiastic nod, "hmm..what do most people assume about you that isn't true?"

"That I'm a ladies man even though I haven't even dated anyone before" he shrugs

"Wait- so you haven't kissed anyone either or.." your voice trails off

he shakes his head, "nope, no kisses, no sex, no girlfriend. Nothing. I've had crushes but they never really work out and I've held and hug Kirishima and Sero more than I have a girl" he laughs, "now you, what's you're greatest fear?"

"Easy, being a failure" you reply

"It's okay to fail though, look at me! I fail all the time but what matters is I don't give up and try to stay positive!" He grins

"I know, I just don't like to fail" you chuckle, "I wish I was as positive as you then maybe I wouldn't be too scared but I feel like if I fail now then I've disappointed everyone around me, including myself" you bite your bottom lip realising you actually opened up to someone about that, "have you ever stolen something?"

He drinks his shot. Your eyes widen, "Denki! We're meant to be heroes!" Playfully slapping his arm as he chuckles putting his finger to his lips to say shush.

"Okay missy, if you could confess to your crush right now what would you say?"

"I would say.."

wait am I going to confess to him?


You take a shot. He gasps, "so you have a crush!?" He asks wide eyed

"Hey, we get one question each" you scoff back at him

"No fair! You asked another question earlier after I answered yours!" He pouts again and crosses his arms

"You didn't have to answer" you shrug, "what is the weirdest way you've met someone who you now consider a close friend?"

"I think it's Shinobro, I met him through a game when we randomly got matched up then added him to play another match until we became close friends!" He grins not realising his Shinobro was right in front of him, "whose your crush? Does he go to UA? Oh! Is he in our class? Do I know him?"

"That's four questions" you laugh taking another shot.

"No fair!" He cutely whines while pouting

"Finee" you sigh in defeat, "Yes. That answers 3 of them, happy now?" you sarcastically ask

"Very" he grins feeling accomplished

"Now, what if-" Kaminari cuts you off

"Nuh uh, you asked me a question already" he shakes his head

Your brows knit remembering the sarcastic question from earlier, "that doesn't count!" You whine

"Too bad, you asked, I answered" he laughs mischievously, "okay so let me get this right, your crush is someone from, UA, our class and I know him. Is it Iida? He was the first guy you talked to"

"Oh god no" you scoff, "are you really going to use up all your questions on guesses?" You raise an eyebrow

"Much like you accidentally using questions" he sniggers as you realise you made another mistake.

"Fuck" you curse yourself as Kaminari laughs, "you're secretly smart aren't you?"

"Hmm..maybe?" he rubs his chin in a thinking motion, "I feel like I'm playing guess who, is he tall?"

"Taller than me" you shrug once more, "what if your Shinobro was a girl? Would you still play with her?"

"If Shinobro was a girl that'd make me fall in love instantly!  if you see the way he plays in game, he's so cool! He practically carries me every time we play rank and he never complains that I'm always dead" The truth is you didn't hear anything past the first sentence.

He'd fall in love instantly?

𝙁𝙍𝙄𝙀𝙉𝘿 𝙍𝙀𝙌𝙐𝙀𝙎𝙏 | 𝙙.𝙠𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙞Where stories live. Discover now