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"y/n" a deep voice calls out your name.

"Don't wake her up Inasa, she looked so tired earlier" The other voice calls out

Slowly pulling yourself up from the hard wooden desk, you rub your eyes seeing Inasa Yoarashi and Camie Utsushimi — the two friends you manage to make since moving to Shiketsu.

"Ohh.. Inasa, Camie, I fell asleep again huh?" The question was answered by the croak in your voice. Camie sighs pulling up a chair to sit next to you.

"I am.. sorry for waking you up!" Inasa yells enthusiastically before banging his head on the edge of your desk.

"Inasa chill, It's all good" He was always so passionate and enthusiastic that looking at him sometimes drains any energy you have left.

"I'm guessing you were up playing games again" she pouts, "look at your eye bags, let me put make up on you" she smiles.

"I'm fine Camie" you stop her hand before she could apply the much needed concealer. You sigh gazing back down at your comfortable desk, tempting you to sleep more.

Camie and Inasa was one of the very few that made an effort to befriend you and the thought of leaving them behind made your heart ache slightly. They could be annoying sometimes but they mean well.

"What's wrong?" Inasa asks

"I'm leaving Shiketsu" you announce with a heavy sigh, seeing their eyes widen from the information.

"WHAT!?" They yell in unison

"Why? When?" Camie whines grabbing your arm

With a heavy heart you explain your situation which resulted in them nodding every few sentences to show they understood until you mentioned UA.

"UA!?" They yell in unison, their reaction causing you to be taken a back

"Why? What's wrong with them?" Judging by their reaction there was previous conflict with the school.

"we met a few of them before when we applied for our hero license, they're good but I have pride in our school being the best!" Inasa smiles proudly

"You've heard the saying right? Shiketsu in the west and UA in the east. UA is our rival school but I'll admit there's a lot more cute guys over there!" Cami squeals, "when I went to get my hero license there was guy called Todoroki and a guy called Bakugo, both hotties and cuties" She swoons, fluttering her lashes at the thought of the two guys.


"maybe you'll have an actual boyfriend and not that weird Pikachu guy you always talk about" Camie swipes a new coat of lipgloss on

"I doubt it and pikabro.. well I'm not sure if he's a guy, I mean they're always playing mage or support which girls usually pick" you explain.

But then again you're main is something guys would pick so there's no telling. Come to think about it, you don't even know the basic information about Pikabro but it'd be weird to ask something out of the blue right?


The week passes by and once again your uncle comes to visit. The dinner is served as you all begin to eat in silence wondering who would be first to break the ice.

"y/n have you made up your mind?" Your mother asks as you nod in response

"I want to move to UA although my friends don't seem to happy about it since it's the rival school. But they understand and most importantly they're glad I'm not leaving the country so I can still meet them"

"Then it's decided" Edgeshot chimes in, "I'll book next week off to help drive your mother to the airport and the remaining days I'll help you train before starting at UA"


The days past by in a flash and you make it to your uncles place, training for the past few days.

Although you knew training with Edgeshot wouldn't be easy since he is the number 4 hero in Japan, it felt like going through literal hell. Even calling the training regime hell was an understatement.

In every little movement from your stance, your form on how you throw kunai knives or using your quirk at the right time, he had a criticism. Much like you, your uncle can also be a perfectionist. But it was something you needed in order to improve. Failing or disappointing your uncle isn't an option.

"we'll call it a day" the words were heavenly to your ears as your knees buckle to the hard floor.

"Thank fuck" you pant in-between breaths as your uncle hands you a bottle of water

"Good job today y/n" your uncle compliments you as if he isn't the reason you're on the edge of death, "tomorrow dress up in your hero costume we're going to UA"


author note: your hero costume (right)

I tried to find something similar to Edgeshot (left)

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