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Am I hyperventilating? My mind starts feeling lighter, this isn't a good sign, fuck.

Your knees finally buckle as you collapse but before your body made contact with the ground, Bakugo manages to catch you.

"Oi!" He yells as you begin to pant heavier, "shit" he cursed under his breath.

"I'm fine, I just.. just lean me against a tree" he follows your instructions as you close your eyes

"you know you still suck at lying right?" he scoffs sitting down on your left side, "here, you can use my shoulder for support" he moves his left hand to move your head into his shoulders.

"Thanks" you mumble, "Just let me rest for 15 minutes before we head back" slowly you close your eyes as the cold breeze passes by, the smell of burnt caramel filling up your senses.

Bakugo watches her fall asleep within seconds. He didn't know why he reacted the way he did, he expected to have a full fight earlier, ready to beat her up but now he's offering a shoulder for her.

Something about that moment of eye contact earlier felt so intimate to him. He could've sworn if she didn't pull away he might've ended up kissing her. Bakugo looks down at you, tracing your every feature before he notices you clutching your left side where he punched you earlier.


"y/n" the voice calls out your name, "y/n wake up it's been fifteen minutes" You pull your head up and rub your eyes awake, "how'd you feel?" Bakugo asks


"I'll carry you back, do you have energy to not fall off?" You weren't sure if he was being considerate or sarcastic, either way you nod.

Bakugo crouches in front of you while you lean forwards and wrap your arms around his neck. In one swift motion he pulls you up while you lean your head in the crook of his neck.

"Oi shitty hair!" Bakugo calls from outside the door

"Bakubro! y/n! What happened!?" Kirishima looks at you on Bakugo's back

"Uchiha wannabe here used up all her energy" Bakugo mocks you while gently laying you to sit on the green sofa next to Kaminari and Sero. Bakugo leaves with Kirishima.

"Uchiha wannabe?" Sero repeats the question, "since when did Bakubro talk about anime?"

"Reminds me of Shinobro" Kaminari blurts out as your ears perk up at the nickname.

"Who?" your eyes dart at kaminari hoping you heard that right

"Shinobro, he's a friend I made in game, he likes ninja stuff, his main hero is a ninja as well and his profile is itachi" he explains, "he's a really chill dude, that reminds me I should text him to play later"

my eyes were glued to Kaminari talking about his Shinobro, Kaminari is.. pikachuu!? Pikachuu was a guy this entire time!? And he thinks I'm a guy!?

Unknown to you, Sero observed your face when the realisation hits. He ponders whether to tell Kirishima and the others but chooses to stay silent since it was decided that they would give up.

"I'm gonna go shower quickly" Sero and Kaminari nod in acknowledgment. With all your energy you stand up and silently make your way back to your room, ignoring the pain on your left side.

Shortly after you left, Bakugo and Kirishima return with an ice pack and a tray of food.

"Huh? Where did y/n go?" Kirishima asks

"She's gonna shower" Seros answers, "so who won the fight earlier?" Sero teases Bakugo as he grits his teeth.

"Tsk doesn't matter" he yells clutching the ice in his hand before storming away.


After taking a long shower and changing, you sat on your bed trying to process what Kaminari said as your phone pings.

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After wallowing in shock you had enough energy to go downstairs

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After wallowing in shock you had enough energy to go downstairs. You take a deep sigh seeing an unread notification next to Kaminari's name. Out of habit you bite the inner corner of your cheek before replying.

Your face goes pale seeing your name on the screen

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Your face goes pale seeing your name on the screen. So it's true. He really is..

"y/n you're back!" Kirishima stops you mid thought as you look over at the table and see Kaminari on his phone.

"Uhh.. yeah" you walk over to the table where Momo, Jirou and Mina sat on one side and Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima and Bakugo sat on the other. You sat beside Mina.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale" Mina asks looking at your face.

"I'm okay" you smile still clutching your side. Bakugo really didn't hold back on that punch.

"Here" Bakugo hands you an ice pack which you gladly accept.

"Are you hurt? Let me see" Mina pulls your shirt up slightly to see a purple bruise on your left side, "BAKUGO WHAT DID YOU DO!?" She stands up and yells

"Mina it's okay" you pull her arm to sit her back down, "I won anyways" you shrug applying the cold compress. The moment the cold sensation hit your skin it was instant relief.

Midway through dinner you take a sip of water while your eyes dart up at Kaminari who sighs looking at his phone.

"Kami what's wrong?" Jirou asks

"Shinobro hasn't messaged me back since.." Kaminari's golden irises met yours while you choke on your water from the suddenly eye contact.

"Y/N! Oh my god are you okay!?" Mina pats your back


Kaminari sighs, "I'm going to my room"

All you could do was watch him leave before you could even talk to him. What do I do?

𝙁𝙍𝙄𝙀𝙉𝘿 𝙍𝙀𝙌𝙐𝙀𝙎𝙏 | 𝙙.𝙠𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙞Where stories live. Discover now