Chapter Fourty-Nine - Wild Girls

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"Don't settle your wild, find a man who doesn't want to tame it."

- Nikki Rowe

Aaron Adair

The smell of liquor and tobacco filled the air as Sebastian and I entered the club, immediately greeted by two waitresses.

I waved them off as I had no intentions of drinking tonight considering the business we were dealing with. When I drink, my tolerance for people hits an all time low and I can't handle that right now.

I glanced at my phone as we walked to the VIP section, checking for a message from Olivia but my inbox was still empty.

"You good?" Sebastian eyes me as we take a seat in a booth.

I shake him off, "I'm fine." It wasn't true, there was a lot of tension lingering in the air but I wouldn't admit it.

He looks at me for a moment longer before returning his focus to the men approaching our booth, his expression becoming more confident.

"Hello, gentleman." The man in front stretched out his hand, offering Sebastian and I a firm handshake. I gave them the go-ahead to take a seat with a simple head nod.

"Documents?" It always surprised me how confident and professional Sebastian could become when we handled business, seeing him as my best friend became the normal version of him.

The man glanced at his other men, letting out a deep laugh. "No introduction first?" His voice was mocking, which made my body tense. I didn't like when people tried to waste my time, especially with pointless introductions.

"Documents." I repeated, telling them we weren't asking.

Suddenly, one of the waitresses who greeted us at the entrance appeared in the entry, pulling back the curtain. "Sir," She leaned close to me. "Your wives have arrived."

"Have them wait at the bar." The waitress quickly closed the curtain back and allowed us to return to business.

"Here are the documents that are waiting for your signature," The man slid a few papers across the table towards me, with a pen placed neatly on top.

I quickly signed my name and pushed them back to him, wanting to get this over with. After all, I was only signing over one of Adair Industries buildings downtown for money.

"Great doing business with you," He offered his hand again but instead of returning it, I buttoned the middle button on my suit jacket and stood from the seat, ushering them back downstairs.

"Fuck me," One of the men snickered behind me. I turned to find his attention focused on the dance floor. Following his line of vision, I found Olivia and Layla dancing together.

Sebastian quickly glanced at me before rushing down the stairs, escorting both of the girls back to the bar. The man sarcastically boo'd and began laughing with some of the other men in the group.

"Men like you always admire the women you'll never be able to have, huh?" The laughing stopped and one of the men cleared their throats, letting me know I'd shut down their thirsting over my wife and sister.

I watched them leave, letting out a breath of relief that the business side of things was over. Joining the three at the bar, the bartender slid me a glass of whiskey and delivered a water to Olivia. It was obvious she was enjoying herself by the way she swayed her hips and danced to the upbeat music.

"Hi, Aaron," She planted a wet kiss on my cheek.

I smiled and returned the kiss on her forehead, "Hi, baby."

"Olivia's being boring!" Layla exclaimed, slurring her words. Olivia glanced at me and rolled her eyes, clearly irritated by Layla's statement.

"Why's that?" I leaned forward, eyeing Layla as I waited for her response.

She downed another drink, "She won't drink with me, Aaron!" She said in a whiny voice that hurt my ears.

"Layla," I scoffed. "She's pregnant." Layla covered her mouth with her hand in an instant before throwing her arms around Olivia.

"I'm so sorry, Olive." I laughed at her new nick name for Olivia. "I completely forgot my little bestie is in there." She gently rubbed her hand over Olivia's growing bump. It seemed to get bigger each and every day which was fascinating to watch first hand.

Olivia laughed it off, "It's okay." Layla returned to her bar stool, carrying on a non-important conversation with Sebastian.

Olivia glanced up at me and mouthed, 'I wanna dance.' I shook my head, gesturing towards Layla. She slid off of the stool and grabbed Layla's hand, pulling her to the dance floor and Sebastian took over Olivia's seat next to me.

"Wild, wild girls." Sebastian laughed as we watched them.

"Yours," I corrected. "Not mine."

"Are you sure about that?" He pointed towards the girls, Olivia dropping her hips and grinding against Layla. I pulled at my collar that suddenly became tight, and cleared my throat.

Olivia bent over and seductively ran her hands over her curvaceous body, causing my face to turn embarrassingly red. "I stand corrected." I admitted.

The bartender delivered two more drinks to Sebastian and I, turning our attention to the bar.

"So," He started. "What's the plans with you and Olivia?"

"Long term or short term?"

"Both." He clarified.

I ran my hand over my stubble, pondering on his question for a moment. "Short term, get through abuela's dinner tomorrow night," Sebastian began laughing at the mention of my grandmother.

"And long term?"

This question really made me think, not because I wasn't sure about Olivia and I's long term plans, but because I wasn't sure if I wanted anyone to know.

"Well," I took a swig before continuing. "After the baby, I want to have a real w-" I'm cut off by the sudden loudness of the crowd. Sebastian and I glance back, finding the entire dance floor crowded in a circle around...Olivia and Layla.

Fuck me, what do these girls manage to get into when we look away for two seconds?

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