Chapter Nineteen - Grief

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"It is the capacity to feel consuming grief and pain and despair that also allows me to embrace love and joy and beauty with my whole heart. I must let it all in.

— Anna White

Olivia Bennet

"You need to go," Aaron's voice was demanding. More demanding than I'd ever heard it before.

I blinked for a small moment and was back in Aaron's penthouse. Not on the rough cement, not in the football field, not in the black nothingness. With Aaron.

"What's your problem?" He drug his sister across the linoleum floor and to the door. Her eyes met mine and soon after, his did too.

"I'll talk to you later," he dismissed Layla without another glance at her and locked the door as she disappeared down the hallway.

I was confused why he was forcing her to leave so suddenly, but more than anything, I was shocked. Aaron and I had a past?

My eyes fell to the flashy purse laying on the coffee table, "her bag." I said. I picked it up and ran for the door.

Aaron's hand wrapped tightly around my arm stopping me from chasing Layla. I narrowed my eyes at him and waited for him to say something but nothing came.

I pulled my arm from his grasp and took a step back, realizing Layla is too far gone for me to reach her.

Her bag slumped over on the table as I returned it to its original place. I slouched onto the couch and closed my eyes, trying to understand everything.

"I have some business to take care of," Aaron shuffled around behind me.

I turned to face him, resting my chin on the back of the couch, "why did you make her leave?" I took no time questioning him.

His hard expression faltered for a second before it returned to ice, "like I said, I have business to tend to."

"Can I come with you?" I raised my eyebrows in unison, waiting for his response. I half-way expected him to say no, but a "yes" wasn't completely off of the table, yet.

The hand that once gripped my arm was rubbing his chin now, "I don't know if that's a good idea." My face fell at this thought.

I'm not in the dark about Aaron and I's previous relationship now, but there's still so much I want to know and spending time with him would be the best opportunity for me to do that.

"Why not?" I pressed. "I want to go." My
voice became more firm as I expressed what I was going to do.

"My business is bad business, Olivia." His expression darkened.

I considered what he was saying for a moment before shaking my head, "I'm going." I pulled myself off of the couch and hurried to my room before he could protest.

"Is this too much?" I gestured at the red silk dress I wore. I wasn't sure what kind of business Aaron was handling tonight, but my red dress and black red-bottoms couldn't possibly be too much.

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