Chapter Nine - Savior

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"Sometimes all you had to do was exist in order to be someone's savior."

‒ Keigo Higashino

Aaron Adair

After about ten minutes, Olivia finally decided on the small boutique on the corner of South Street. I suggested Alexander McQueen or Saint Laurent but she was persistent about the cute, little shop.

"It's better to support small businesses, Aaron," Her know-it-all tone was driving me insane. "I know you're the richest man in Seattle but you can't find this stuff at those excessively expensive places." She walked down the long line of clothing racks, stopping every so often with a soft "ooh."

By the time we made it through most of the rows, my hands were full of clothing pieces. Dresses, shirts, panties. Following behind her, watching her eyes light up each time she found something else she thought looked interesting was worth the pain my arms were feeling.

"Are you almost finished?" I questioned. She abruptly stopped in the middle of the aisle and turned to me, narrowing her eyes.

"Are you rushing me, Aaron?" Her tone was so flirtatious. It took everything in me not to drop the pile of clothes I was holding and get my hands on her. I felt a weird warmth in my chest seeing her happy. The week before I met her, I'd watched her as she slept or went to physical therapy. Seeing her now, she's already an entirely different person.

She was still eyeing me as I caught myself staring suspiciously hard at her, "No, please take your time." I forced a smile and she spun around, continuing down the aisle. I wasn't certain what I wanted out of this, out of this marriage, the contract, any of it, but I knew one thing for sure, Olivia Bennett was the most captivating woman I'd ever laid my eyes on.

Her long, umber curls flowed so smoothly down her back. The motion in which she flicked it over her shoulder each time it fell in her face got increasingly addicting. Her tight black jeans squeezed at her hips as she bent over in front of me, searching through the clothing on the racks at the bottom. Fuck, this is bad. So bad.

"Okay," She said cheerily. "I'm done looking." I let out a sigh of relief as the pile of clothes nearly blocked her from my sight as she placed the last item in my arms. "Now I need to try all of this on."

The changing rooms were small but big enough to fit both of us comfortably. I followed closely behind her and placed all of the clothing on the cushioned booth that lined one of the walls. I took a seat next to the pile and rested my head on the wall.

"What are you doing?" She stared at me as if I was intruding into her space.

I gestured to the large number of clothes beside me, "I'm waiting for you to try all of this on." She quickly shook her head, opening the door.

"No," She motioned me out of the small room, "I can come out and show you."

I glanced around, taking note of all of the people in the store. Why are there suddenly so many men shopping at this place? Thankfully, the dressing rooms were secluded in the back of the building.

"Olivia," I began. "You're not coming out here to show me everything you try on." The door clicks open and there she stands in a red, laced lingerie set. The top consists of enough fabric to cover her breasts and her behind reflects in the mirror, revealing...everything. Oh, God.

She jokingly puts her arm on the frame of the door and slides it down slowly, as if she's trying to seduce me like in the movies. Very cliché.

I take another look around in case any of the males could sense a very hot girl was standing in this room or something. I dropped my head, chuckling to myself. What the fuck is wrong with you, Aaron?

"Why are you laughing?" Her teasing expression disappeared. I took a step toward her, forcing her back into the small space and I closed the door behind me. "I said you couldn't stay."

"I know what you said," I grabbed both of her wrists, putting them above her head just as I did in the elevator. "I'm not staying for long." My lips trailed down her neck and her body tensed under my touch. There was a certain satisfaction in making her react this way.

One of her arms dropped to the back of my neck and I quickly pinned it back above her head, not allowing her to touch me the way I was touching her. I let my lips linger over her neck and collarbone, slowly closing in on her breasts. A harsh breath escaped her mouth, encouraging me to continue.

"Olivia?" Her skin is so soft against my lips, it's taking every bit of resistance I have left to not give in to my urges. I don't know why she made me feel this way. Fucking girls or being this close to them was usual for me before Olivia signed that contract, of course, but she made me feel differently. The temptation was so much stronger when I was near her.

"Yes, Aaron?" That gentle voice sent shivers down my spine. I needed her. Every part of her. I buried my face into her neck, placing my fist against the mirror behind her. I took a deep breath and stepped back, losing all contact with her body.

I slid my finger under the waistband of the laced panties she wore, "Buy these." I pulled the fabric away from her skin and slipped my finger out, making it snap back on her skin. Her body tensed again and I stepped out of the room, closing the door behind me before I caved.

Olivia spent about two more hours trying on different dresses and tops, pairs of jeans that all appeared identical to me, and slipping in and out of the dressing room to show me. Although I was happy she was finished, the woman who had to scan and bag all of the items wasn't. She practically bought the entire store.

When we were finally in the car, with all of her bags stuffed in the trunk, her phone began to ring. I quickly noticed her tensed jaw and moist eyes as she stared at the screen.

"Hello?" Her voice trembled.

A few more "mhm's" and "okay's" before she ended the call, shifting her attention to the window.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I didn't want to intrude but it was clear she wasn't okay at all. "Who was it?"

She took a deep breath and turned to face me, lifting her legs into the seat, and directing all of her attention toward me. Her eyes were glazed over and she continuously bit down on the inside of her cheek as she stared at her lap. I came to a halt, pulling into an empty alley.

I hooked my finger under her chin forcing her to look at me, "What's wrong?" The sadness in her eyes was clear.

"My parents want me to join them for dinner," I raised my eyebrows, waiting for her to explain the part that was causing her to be on the edge of tears. "I want to be there for my younger sister but..." She hesitated.

"But what?" I asked.

"I don't know if I can deal with an entire dinner with them." I gently rubbed the pad of my thumb against her chin, grazing that bottom lip she always bites.

Her eyes fell to her lap again and I picked her head up, "You won't have to deal with it alone." I was very familiar with the family drama and I wish I'd had someone around to comfort me instead of going through it by myself. I wasn't going to let Olivia feel that way.

Dealing with those things turned me into who I am today. A fucked up, broken man. I couldn't watch her go through that alone and turn into something like me. She was special, gentle, and kind. She still had it in her to see the best in people and she couldn't lose that gift.

She pushed her head into my palm, nodding slowly. A tear rolled down her cheek, meeting my hand. I fully believe in everyone having a savior and I didn't mind being hers if it meant I could take away all of her pain.

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