Chapter Twenty-Seven - Existence

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"Something still exists as long as there's someone around to remember it."

- Jodi Picoult

Olivia Bennett

"This'll look amazing on you," Layla searched through the rack full of designer dresses, tossing the ones she liked into the basket and dramatically gagging at the ones she didn't.

After a few minutes of this back and forth, I finally got her away from the rack and to the dressing rooms. I agreed to try everything she picked out if she didn't spend all day searching.

She said we were looking for a certain dress to an event she wouldn't tell me about. The first few dresses didn't fit my chest and the others were just horribly ugly.

Finally, the last dress I tried on fit me perfectly and it was quite flattering. I usually didn't like dresses on myself, but this one wasn't too bad.

I opened the thin curtain, revealing the dress to Layla, waiting for her reaction. "Oh my God!" She screeched. "It looks perfect!" I rolled my eyes before snapping the fabric shut.

After shopping, we decided to stop by a new coffee shop that recently opened. Layla flirted with the cashier and got our two iced latte's free, despite her having too much money to handle.

"I could've paid," I laughed as we scooted into one of the booths.

"I know." I continued laughing while Layla was examining the cold foam art the barista left on top of her drink. I took a quick sip of the coffee, looking around the small cafe.

I enjoyed the moments like these because they didn't come often. Although I didn't remember much about Layla, there was a bond between us and I appreciated it.

"You okay?" Her head was tilted as she stared at me, and I couldn't help but admire how much she had looked like Aaron, his grandmother too. Their gene pool was too strong. I nodded my head, taking another sip.

The cafe wasn't too crowded, a few of the booths were occupied and the picnic tables outside were empty because of the rainstorm that had just came through. Layla and I got stuck outside in the beginning of it but thankfully we found this place.

"How was I before?" I asked her. Another head tilt and confused eyebrows was all I received from her. "Like, before the coma." I added.

The gears visibly turned in her head as a smile grew on her face, "You were...kind." I stared at her through my eyebrows, waiting for her to proceed. "And you were a joy to have around." Her eyes softened as she kept on. "You were the best thing that happened to my big brother." My heart leapt at Layla's words.

"Are you serious?" My voice cracked. My eyes watered over as I stared at her, and I laughed at myself for becoming emotional over our conversation.

She reached across the table, placing her hand on my arm and that's when her diamond ring became noticeable. "Yes, I'm serious!" She exclaimed. "Even now, all of these things are still true." She gave my arm a gentle squeeze before returning her hands to her coffee mug.

I joined her for a sip and observed the people around us. One of the couples occupying the booth across from us was an older couple. They were hand in hand, in deep conversation. I smiled at the sight.

"How do you feel about the gathering this weekend?" Layla asked. So this was the event she wouldn't tell me about.

"I'm a little nervous," I held up my two fingers which were barely apart, "but only a little." We both laughed.

"It'll be fun, until you get to all of the paperwork." She continued laughing but I was confused. Paperwork?

"Paperwork?" I questioned.

"Well you and Aaron are married now," She paused but only for a moment. "So you're apart of Adair Industries now." I wasn't sure what this meant but I'm sure I'd find out considering the gathering is in a couple of days.

Layla and I decided to get back to the penthouse before another storm rolled in. When we arrived, a large bouquet of pink tulips were displayed on the kitchen island.

"There's a note," Layla handed me the small white paper and waited eagerly for me to read it out loud. I bit my lip to contain my smile as I read the small card.

𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒈𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓.

A long, cutesy "Awwwwww!" came from Layla as she crossed her hands over her heart. "I remember when my husband bought me flowers," She giggled. "Now he just leaves his dirty socks on my bathroom floor."

I bursted out into a laughing fit, and the joy I felt in this moment was unbeatable. Aaron's flowers and having spent the day with Layla, I was overwhelmed by all of the happiness.

"We should do something." Layla suggested.

"Like what?"

"We should watch a scary movie," She rushed around the kitchen, grabbing a bag of popcorn and the butter, and a few other snacks. "Well don't just stand there!" I helped her bring the candy and popcorn to the living room, where we spent the next two hours watching the original Halloween movie.

A small noise sounded from the door, causing me to wake up. Layla's head was in my lap, and the bowl of popcorn was in hers.

I blinked away the blurriness, turning my attention to the large wooden door. After a few moments, Aaron was standing in the foyer, putting his things down on the table.

At first I didn't think he had noticed Layla and I, until he disappeared down the hallway and came back, putting Layla in the guest bedroom. I stood from the couch, finally being able to stretch out my legs and back.

"How was the movie?" Aaron asked as he cleaned up the mess we had made.

"It was good," I began picking up the bowl of popcorn but his hand stopped me. "Aaron, it's okay. It's my mess, I can clean it."

His hand slowly grazed against my arm, higher and higher, until it was touching my neck. "I know you can." I took a shallow breath, waiting for his next move.

"How was-" His lips meeting mine cut me off before I could finish my sentence. His arms wrapped around the backs of my thighs, lifting me from the linoleum floor and onto his firm body.

As our lips crashed together roughly, he carried the both of us to his bedroom. I pulled my face away from his, giving myself a moment to breathe. He dropped me onto his bed and took a step back, watching me.

"Undress." His husky voice demanded. I took another breath, and tried to ready myself for whatever he was going to do to me.

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