Chapter Six - Temptation

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"Temptation is a woman's weapon and a man's excuse."

‒ H.L. Mencken

Olivia Bennett

Aaron's eyes were searing into the side of my face, or at least it felt that way. Finally, something made that stone-cold man react. I tried to stifle my laughter but it was of no use, a quiet giggle fled from my lips before I could stop it.

"I'm sorry," I said through the laughter not believing I'd actually just asked him that question. I could hardly believe it myself. From what I remember about myself, I wasn't an outgoing or extroverted person, hence why my cheeks were suddenly red and full of heat.

"Are you asking me to fuck you, Olivia?" His question made my body freeze. Once again, he managed to find a way to suck all of the air out of this elevator and make it feel much smaller than it initially was.

I bit down on my bottom lip and slowly shook my head, "No." My response was quiet. By the smirk on his face, he knew he succeeded in whatever game we were playing. Were we playing a game? I'm not sure if that was the case, but if it was, I didn't come to lose.

"What if I was?" I challenged. I glanced over at him and found his eyes resting on my breasts. His stare made everything on my body feel warm. I was almost certain if I wiped my hand on my forehead, it would be saturated in sweat.

The bag he was carrying dropped to the ground beside me as he took a step closer, closing the space between us. The sparse amount of air that was once here disappeared as I sucked in the last of it, trying not to show Aaron how he was making me feel. He closed in on me, causing my feet to move backward. My back was against the elevator wall and both of his hands rested on either side of my head.

"Then I'd take you right here," He tapped his hand against the metal wall, "Is that what you want, Olivia?" His voice was low and gravelly, and his breath skimmed my cheek as he whispered the words.

Suddenly, a ding sounded from the little speaker in the corner and before I could move, Aaron was already lifting my bag off of the floor and stepping out of the elevator. With him no longer in my space, taking all of the air, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a short moment trying to recollect myself.

I hesitated to follow him, considering taking the elevator back up and escaping his tense presence. I shook my head and stepped out of the elevator to see Aaron waiting for me with my bag tossed over his shoulder again.

When we made it outside, he guided us to his car which was only parked a few steps away from the entrance. Of course, the handsome CEO finds a way to park this close to the busiest hospital in Seattle. I laughed to myself just imagining the sweet talking he did to manage this.

"What are you laughing at?" He watched me as I approached his car. He held the door open and waited for me to get inside before moving to the other side.

I ignored his question, "What kind of car is this?" I ran my finger along the black leather interior and all of the upgraded features.

"BMW." He said dryly. I glared at him.

"Really?" I hinted at the blue and white logo in the center of the steering wheel. "I couldn't tell."

He tossed my bag in the backseat before giving me a real answer, "It's a BMW M5," I glanced around, taking in the cleanliness of his car. "Competition." He added.

"I like it," I said cooly. His eyes flickered from the road in front of us to mine and a smile played on his lips. There was no denying that this man was attractive when everything about him seemed perfect, at least on the outside. I felt the urge to learn everything about him. I mean after all, I'm going to be living with him and sharing my life with him even if it's not real.

"Good," His attention was on the road again. "I bought it just to impress you." My eyes widened at his statement. There was no way he was being serious. I laughed it off.

The ride to his apartment was silent other than the low humming of the music coming through the multiple speakers. When we arrived, he told me to stay put until he could get to the other side of the car to open the door for me. His mannerisms weren't what I expected from a man like him.

The lobby of his apartment was far more elegant than anything I'd ever seen before. Four large white columns banded the entrance and the gold drapes that laid over the windows made it even fancier. A beautiful glass chandelier hovered in the center of the ginormous lobby.

I looked around, taking in the beautiful sculptures and paintings that lined each wall. I bit down on my lip trying to imagine what Aaron's apartment looked like considering this was just the entrance.

As we passed the glamorous desk, he gave the blonde lady on the other side of it a simple nod before pulling me into the elevator. Before the doors even closed completely, Aaron's hand was in my hair and I was back against the wall, just like it was in the hospital elevator.

"Olivia, don't tempt me like that again." His voice was firm and desirable, and his lips parted just slightly. My eyes met his and for some reason, I wanted to tempt him more now that he told me not to.

"Why not?" I whispered. He stepped closer and his hard stomach pressed against my chest. It was like his large, tough figure was taking over my small, soft one. His hand unwrapped from my curls and took one of my wrists and then the other, pulling my arms above my head.

His lips lingered near my neck for a moment, "Because I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself with you." I swallowed and closed my eyes, finally relaxing under his touch.

"Maybe I don't want you to be able to control yourself, Aaron." A throaty noise came from him before he stepped back, placing his back against the different wall. He shook his head and closed his eyes but mine remained on him.

I didn't understand why he didn't want this. I'm sure he'd hooked up with plenty of girls so why was he so against doing it with me? And what was it with these elevators? They're like sex traps or something.

Another ding broke through the tension in the small space and the metal doors drifted open, displaying a big, dim penthouse. My eyes widened as I took in the scenery.

I stepped out of the elevator and onto the dark lacquered wood. My attention wasn't drawn to the massive black leather couch that filled one corner of the room or the huge open kitchen, but to the floor-to-ceiling windows showcasing the prettiest view I'd ever seen.

The skyline rested perfectly beyond all of the tall buildings. Aaron's building was, of course, the most soaring. I placed my hand on the small black frame that held each of the windows up and studied each tower. I'd never been this high up from the ground and the idea kind of disturbed me but the view was worth the uneasiness I felt in my lower stomach.

"What do you think?" His question disturbed my peace. I had a lot of things to say to him but I knew he was only asking about the penthouse.

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