Chapter Fourty-One - Betrayal

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"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies. It comes from friends and loved ones."

Olivia Bennett

Despite the dark fabric obscuring my vision, I strain to perceive every minute detail as I am forcibly pulled through what appears to be a lengthy corridor. Multiple voices echo around me, although their conversations remain sparse. I focus intently, trying to discern any nuances, whether it's the turns we take, the doors we pass through, or the faint possibility of recognizing familiar voices.

In an effort to overcome my fear, I consciously bury it deep within me, empowering myself to exude confidence instead of succumbing to anxiety. Summoning a surge of strength, I manage to free my right arm from the firm grasp, causing me to stumble forward. Just as I teeter on the brink of hitting the ground, powerful arms swiftly catch me, preventing the fall.

"Watch your step, sweetie," a familiar voice utters. Although I recognize the voice, I struggle to recall the name associated with it, leaving me puzzled in my attempt to identify the person speaking.

Abruptly, a bright beam of light penetrates my eyes as the blindfold is yanked away from my head. Blinking rapidly, I attempt to dispel the residual blurriness that clouds my vision, hoping to regain clarity.

A small gasp involuntarily escapes my lips as my eyes lock onto the man who removed the blindfold and saved me from falling.

Adrian Adair...Aaron's brother?

I quickly survey my surroundings, absorbing the sight of the weathered, rusty building that surrounds me. However, my attention is swiftly diverted as Adrian's hand firmly clasps my chin, forcing my head to remain facing forward.

"Adrian," I speak with a palpable sense of confusion in my voice. "What is all of this?" It has been several years since I last saw Adrian, at least four, and this unexpected encounter is causing my mind to ache with unanswered questions.

Adrian's index finger gently traces along my jawline before descending to my collarbone, sending a shiver down my spine. I instinctively tense up, feeling uncomfortable with this awkward physical contact, while anxiously awaiting an explanation.

"Adrian," My voice was much stronger now. "Tell me what the fuck is going on."

"Did Aaron ever tell you the reason behind our parents' sudden 'disappearance'?" Adrian's question catches me off guard, as it diverted from the topic I had anticipated.

I slowly shook my head, answering his question silently. "Why am I here?" I changed the subject.

"He murdered them," Adrian spits out, his voice laced with a mixture of anguish and bitterness. My eyes widen in shock and my mind races, considering the implications of his statement.

Overwhelmed by the gravity of Adrian's revelation, I instinctively cover my mouth with my hand, attempting to process the severity of what he had just shared. While I was aware of Aaron's questionable business dealings and understood he was far from a saint, the notion of him being capable of murdering his own parents had never crossed my mind.

"Why?" That was the only thing I was able to get out, I had nothing else to say.

As Adrian draws nearer, he continues to share unsettling insights. "No one knows for sure," he whispers, "but it's reasonable to assume that he coveted everything my parents had built." It dawns on me that he is referring to Adair Industries, the business that Aaron assumed control of following their parents' mysterious vanishing act. The pieces start to align, painting a dark and treacherous picture of Aaron's motivations and the lengths he might have gone to seize power.

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