Chapter Twenty-Three - Life

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"So I came to the realization: Nothing in life is unfair. It's just life."

- Rob Lowe

Olivia Bennett

"What did you say your name was again?" My raspy voice struggled to overpower the volume of the upbeat music blaring throughout the bar.

The man that found me outside of Aaron's penthouse leaned closer to my ear, "Roman." His liquor tainted breath brushed against my ear, sending an uneasy feeling to my chest.

"Nice to meet you.." I hesitated. "Roman."

A simple nod and short smile was all I received from the mysterious man, and although I wasn't the kind of woman to get drinks with strangers, I was thankful he brought me here. The loud music and large crowd helped keep my mind off of Aaron. Sort of.

I danced around the bar, acknowledging all of the drunk and stumbling people while swallowing a different shot each time I came back around to the bartender. Roman's eyes never left me as I pranced around like I had no worries in the world.

"So, what does a sophisticated guy like you come to bars for?" The question came out before I could swallow my shot, so I inhaled it to ignore the awkwardness between us. Who was I to make assumptions about the kind of man this stranger was?

"I lost someone recently," His words instantly pained me. I didn't know this man but death isn't something I'd wish on anyone.

I gave him a genuine smile and took a seat on one of the stools, "do you want to talk about it?" I offered. A quick shake of his head and he took another swig.

"Alright, enough serious talk." He leaned across the wooden bar, motioning for the bartender. He shouted a question but the music was far too loud for me to understand him.

After a few moments, another fast-paced, hip-hop song began to pour out of the speakers set up in each corner of the building.

He climbed from the stool to the bars tabletop and held out a hand towards me. I hesitated to take his offer but quickly joined him. Everyone's eyes were on us but the noise never ceased.

Roman began to dance, swaying his hips back and forth, tugging at my arm as he spun in a circle, nearly toppling over. I put my hands on his stomach, trying to steady him before he took both of us down. Our eyes simultaneously locked and as we danced together, matching each others next move, we never looked away.

I wasn't sure what I was doing with him. This was entirely out of my comfort zone but considering the night I've had, it didn't matter. I just wanted to dance away the memory of Aaron and his irritating confession.

His hands met my hips and he spun me around, pressing himself against my back as we continued swaying. I couldn't help but blush each time his hands rubbed against my naked sides.

When I left Aaron's penthouse, I just threw on a simple white v-neck top and black jeans. I wasn't planning on spending the night in a bar, dancing with a handsome stranger or I would have chosen my best outfit.

"What's your next move?" His lips grazed my ear as he held me close, waiting for my response. Usually, I would take this as flirting but considering how loud the music was, I didn't blame him for trying to lessen the distance between us. After all, my voice had already given out from all of the shouting I'd already done.

A few moments passed and he asked another question, realizing my confusion to the first. "I found you outside of an expensive building known for their penthouses."

"Oh...right," I hadn't given much thought to what my plan was after this. I was just living in the moment and hoping I'd figure it out without thinking about it. "I'm not sure, yet."

He studied my expression for a moment before lifting my arm and spinning me around, causing my foot to slip in the spilled beer on the countertop. My arms instantly wrapped around him in an attempt not to fall off of the bar. When he steadied my body, I couldn't help but fall into a laughing fit and he joined me.

It took a few moments before I could control my laughter but when I finally did, I smiled at Roman. I wanted to thank him and give him a hug for helping me find myself again, but I settled with a simple grin.

We danced for awhile before he returned to his stool to consume more alcohol. I continued dancing back and forth on the beer-covered bar, enjoying every moment.

Until a familiar face appeared in the entrance, staring at me as I swayed my hips back and forth. It was Aaron. Aaron stood by the door, eyeing my drunk, dancing body.

He was across the bar and standing just below me within thirty seconds but he wasn't paying me any attention. Instead, his eyes were on the guy I'd spent most of the night dancing with.

I was worried he'd try to hurt this random man for being in such close proximity to me but it surprised me when Roman offered his hand to Aaron, and it shocked me even more when Aaron accepted the handshake.

"It's been a long time," Roman's words startled me. I was no longer dancing, my body was frozen and I began to feel dizzy. I quickly dropped to my knees, sliding off of the bar and into the stool which happened to be placed right between them.

"Not long enough." Aaron's words were bitter and harshly intended. I didn't dare to look at either of them, I kept my eyes on the empty shot glass ahead of me.

Aaron's hand tapped on the bar, causing his shiny Rolex to cling with each tap. "Gold Rush, please." The bartender prepared and delivered the drink without hesitation, making me fully aware she knew who he was.

"Your men came by." I looked around, waiting to hear Roman's response. What men could he possibly be talking about?

Aaron took a sip from his glass and I could feel him glaring at the two of us, "they weren't very secretive." Roman let out a scoff.

"Olivia went for drinks with Roman," he said in a mocking tone. I swallowed the lump in my throat but it didn't go away.

I didn't know what made me feel more uncomfortable, the fact that I spent the night dancing with someone Aaron clearly wasn't fond of, or the fact that Aaron had been staring at me this entire time.

"I found her outside of your building," Roman stood from his stool and I knew what had to be coming next.

"So you take her for drinks, and have her dancing on the bar like a fucking whore?" Aaron spat. It felt like he was directing the hurtful words toward me.

A low laugh sounded from my left where Roman stood, and a stack of money landed on the bar near his empty glass. I let out a sigh of relief when he began to walk away.

Although I'd have to face Aaron, at least I'd be doing it alone, where I could try de-escalating the situation. I think it'd turn into a bloody mess if Roman stayed to continue this tense conversation.

"Where's Tony?" Aaron's question confused me. It clearly wasn't for me, but for Roman, who was beginning to head for the door.

I sucked in a sharp breath and waited for Roman's response, I half-way expected him to continue walking and pretend Aaron didn't even exist but he didn't.

"He was killed," The breath I held slipped out of my lungs before I could stop it. I'd hoped it would go unnoticed but the way Aaron tilted his head in my
peripheral vision made it obvious it didn't.

"A few hours ago, yeah?" Aaron said sarcastically. "I heard about that. My condolences." His mocking tone had returned and I felt awful for Roman.

Roman took a step closer, lessening the distance between him and Aaron. "At your nightclub." Roman's voice was full of accusation and when my eyes returned to Aaron, the gears began to turn in my head.

Roman's brother was killed...a couple of hours Aaron's club...and now...I'm here at this bar...with Roman...while his men paid Aaron a

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