Chapter Fourty-Seven - Jealousy

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"You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars."

- Gary Allan

Olivia Bennett

Mumbling with a touch of weariness in my voice, I uttered "Aaron," while my hand reached out to the opposite side of the bed in search of him, only to find his absence. Quiet murmurs pull my curiosity to the bathroom, pulling me out of the bed.

As I knock on the door, I hear the sound of water splashing and the shower still running. After a moment, I hear a muffled voice from inside, "Just a minute!" A woman's voice.

Feeling the weight of the situation, my grip on the doorknob tightens, and a pang of unease grips my chest. I step away from the door, slowly retreating towards the other one that leads to the hallway.

Swiftly, I flee from Aaron's bedroom, intending to head back to mine, only to be confronted by a solid presence. I glance upward to discover Aaron gazing at me, his face marked with confusion.

"What's wrong, baby?" The unsettling sensation in my chest gradually subsides as I come to the realization that he wasn't in the bathroom as I had assumed.

I pressed my forehead into his chest, waiting for my breathing to steady before responding, "I thought you were in the bathroom," I talked through my breaths. "And I heard a woman."

Worry crept onto his face as his hands gently held onto my arms. "Do you really think I'd be in the bathroom with another woman?" My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, realizing how foolish I must have appeared. However, he gently cupped my chin, guiding my gaze back to his.

"No," I quietly replied. An unexpected smile played on his lips as he stared down at me, "Were you jealous?" Playfulness played on his voice as his thumb trailed my jawline.

I returned his smile with a sarcastic one, "Jealous?" The attitude clear in my words. "It seemed easy getting into the bathroom with you," I patted my hand on his chest playfully, "I have nothing to be jealous about."

As I began to walk away from him, his hand wrapped around my wrist, pulling me back. "What are you trying to say, Olivia?" He raised an eyebrow, waiting for my response.

"That you're easy." I whispered and pulled my wrist from his grip, running down the hall.

He chased me through the foyer and the living room before I climbed onto the couch and fell into the soft cushions, holding my chest from how much I was laughing.

His body crashed down onto mine as he brushed aside strands of hair from my face. His eyes lingered on my lips for a moment before he planted a soft kiss onto them.

He pushed up onto his elbows, hovering over me. "I have to go to the nightclub tonight," He informed me of his plans. "There's a man who wants to close a deal, but, I'd like for you to join me."

I smiled at his offer to include me, "Are you asking me out for a date?" I teased.

"I don't do dates," He corrected me as he pushed off of the couch, "It's just business."

He disappeared down the hall as Layla passed him, entering the living room. "What's his deal?" She glanced back, making sure Aaron wasn't there.

I shrugged and sat up, readjusting myself. "I have no idea." I lied. I knew our previous conversation is what had him bothered but why it bothered him, I don't know.

Nonchalantly, I shrugged and sat up, adjusting myself in the process. "I honestly have no idea," I lied. Deep down, I knew it was our conversation that had bothered him, but the reason behind his distress remained a mystery to me.

"Well, anyways," She continued the conversation, not giving Aaron's bad mood another thought. "Sebastian is going to the club tonight, with Aaron." She explained. "And he asked me to go, but I'm only going if you are."

I took another glance at the hallway before confirming our plans for the night, "I'm going." Her face lit up and the water dripping from her hair got on me as she jumped up and down.

"You were in Aaron's shower?" I asked.

"Yeah," She eyed me curiously. "Why?"

I laughed quietly, "No reason."

She used the towel she had in her lap to wipe away some of the water on my legs as I assured her it wasn't a big deal.

"What are you girls going to do until tonight?" Both of us redirected our attention to the hallway where Aaron stood, bare-chested with only a white towel wrapped around his waist.

I swallowed as I stared at his body that was covered in black ink, trying to find the words to respond to his question.

"I'm not sure yet," Layla smirked at me knowingly. I just nodded my head in agreement as the room suddenly felt one hundred degrees warmer.

Without averting his gaze, Aaron joined us in the living room, positioning himself next to me, his eyes locked onto mine.

"Why the hell does your water pressure suck so badly?" A familiar voice exclaimed. I turned to find Sebastian standing in the hallway now. That explains the conversation I overheard earlier.

He ran a towel through his short hair as he disappeared quickly into the kitchen. I glanced over at Layla, confused as to why they decided to take showers here.

"The plumber who fixed our pipes, which was a complete dick by the way, fucked up the entire system." She explained. I nodded my head along with her explanation.

Sebastian joined us in the living room as he added further complaints onto the plumber causing Layla to burst into a laughing fit.

"It's nice to see you again," He gave me a brief smile before plopping down onto the couch beside Layla.

"We have to go soon," Aaron glanced over at Sebastian as he stood from the sofa. "Be ready by eight." He planted a kiss on my forehead before returning to his bedroom.

"I'll meet you in the lobby," Sebastian shouted as he stepped into the elevator. "I love you, Mi Corazón."

Layla glanced over her shoulder, "I love you more, sweet stuff." I smiled at their cute but short interaction before standing from the couch.

Sebastian disappeared in the elevator and Layla joined me, "Do you have something to wear?" I shrugged and guided her to my bedroom, fully prepared for her to deny every outfit I pulled out of my closet.

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