Chapter Ten - Diamonds

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"Diamonds are a girl's best friend."

‒ Marilyn Monroe

Olivia Bennett

"When do they want you to be there?" Aaron questioned as I rested my cheek in his palm. Being in this position was so calming, I never wanted to leave. Although I had just met him, I felt like I'd known him for years.

I finally moved to look out of the window, "8 P.M., tonight." I let out a long sigh, trying to relieve some of the weight on my shoulders.

"Hey," His hand was on mine now, "I'll be right by your side." I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the headrest, enjoying the short but comforting moment. "But we have to get going. It's already 5:30 P.M."

I nodded my head and rolled down the window, resting my arm on the window sill. Aaron reversed out of the vacant alley and pulled back onto the road, driving us to his apartment. Home.

The ride was silent but I didn't mind. It was peaceful and allowed me to brainstorm many excuses not to go to dinner with my family tonight.

As we rode the elevator to the apartment, I suggested said reasons. "It's not safe driving in the dark."

"I'm a good driver." He said.

"Well, I'm a bit tired from all of the shopping I did today." Another excuse.

He sighed, "I have a coffee machine."

"I'd rather just order in." This was my last excuse and my only hope.

"Too bad," He gave me a devilish smile. "I like home-cooked meals."

I let out a long breath and gave up. There was no getting out of this so I had no other choice but to make it a good night. At least I'd have Aaron by my side.

My phone read 7:30 P.M. by the time I finished getting ready. I decided if I'm going to enjoy the night, I'd have to look good. It's been at least two years since I'd last dressed up and looked nice. I picked out a black mini-dress with a slit on the thigh. It wasn't too high or revealing, I knew better than to wear something like that around my family.

I really appreciated the size of this bathroom. I had makeup and hair products all across the countertop, and a few of the dresses I just bought this afternoon were on the floor from me changing in and out of them until I decided on this one.

My hair was half-up half-down and pulled back by a black ribbon that matched my dress. I only bought three pairs of heels so I settled on the most comfortable, black, and basic with a strap around my ankles.

"Olivia, it's 7:30." I opened the door that was separating me and Aaron. His eyes immediately dropped to my dress, then to my heels, and back to my face. "I was going to ask if you're ready but I think this speaks for itself." He gestured towards my new put-together look.

I gave him a shy smile, feeling the redness in my cheeks start to flare. Allowing him to make me feel this way was embarrassing. I didn't have this kind of pull on him so why should he have it on me?

"Are you assuming a woman is ready, Aaron?" I leaned over the sink, smearing pink pigment across my lips. I rubbed them together as I stared into the mirror, blending them out evenly before turning to him. "Now I'm ready."

He was leaning against the doorframe as always, "I have something to give you." His voice was serious and I was a little scared to find out what that something was. He took my hand and guided me to the kitchen, although I nearly tripped 3 times. It's no secret that I wasn't used to wearing heels.

A beautiful diamond ring rested on the countertop along with a simple black band. Aaron held my left hand, sliding the ring onto my finger. The stones in the ring had been rescued and reset into the most stunning wedding ring, it was new and old, recycled and one of a kind. It was perfect.

After studying the ring for a moment, I picked up the band and pushed it onto his finger while still admiring my own.

"My parents are going to be pissed." I laughed to myself. They were going to be way more than pissed, they were going to kill me. Once I entered that house, I wouldn't be leaving and I'd never be seen again.

"Would you rather wait and tell them months from now?" His question was more of a statement than an actual question but he was right. I just had to get it over with and then I could live without that weight being on my shoulders.

I took a deep breath, fidgeting with the new ring on my finger. Aaron's hand grazed my cheek as he tucked the small piece of hair hanging in front of my face behind my ear. There was something about him that was so different but I couldn't figure it out. He was practically a stranger but it felt like he knew me better than anyone else in this world, besides my little sister.

My little sister was my best friend before the accident. I'm not even sure if she came to visit me when I was in the hospital. I mean, there really wasn't a point in seeing me considering I wasn't really there but I missed her, so much. Aaron and my sister were the few things motivating me to even show up tonight.

"Are you ready?" He leaned down to look into my eyes, "We don't have to go if you really don't want to."

His kindness meant a lot to me but I knew if I was going to move on with my life, that meant cleaning things up with my family. With my bitch of a mother specifically.

I shook my head, "No, I want to go." I was more-so convincing myself rather than responding to him.

"Look at me," His voice was so gentle. "Whenever you're ready to go, say the word and we'll go."


Please let me know what you guys think of the picture I tried implementing into the story. I haven't done that in any of the previous chapters but I think it's a fun idea.

Also, thank you to all of my readers, especially the consistent ones ♡ It means the world to me and motivates me to continue writing.



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