Chapter Thirty - Robbery

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"There is no robbery so terrible as the robbery committed by those who think they are doing right."

- Mary Catherwood

Olivia Bennett

"Just give me the fucking money!" The robber was dressed entirely in dark clothing, which consisted of a black jacket and pants. The taller man that stood next to him wore a hat that was pulled low over his forehead, and his gloves were also black. My hands trembled as I tapped the blue arrow on my phone screen, sending a message to Aaron.

two men with guns at café, plz help

Layla told me to hide in the back room and to stay hidden. She didn't want them to know that there were other people here aside from her and the customers that were trapped in this horrible situation. I anxiously watched from the doorway as the men rushed Layla to put all of the money inside of their bag.

Suddenly, one of the men had their gun pointed directly at Layla. Before I could control myself, I jumped out of the doorway, throwing my hands in the air. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing was coming out. Now, one gun was pointed at her and the other at me.

"P-please," I stuttered. "Don't hurt us." My hands shivered as I held them at my chest. I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to think of what to say next. I had never been in a situation like this, but I knew if it came down to me or Layla, I'd do anything to protect her.

"Is there anyone else back there?" The taller man waved his gun toward the doorway I was previously hiding behind.

"No," My voice was evermore convincing as I wouldn't even attempt to lie. I blinked away the tears that were forming behind my eyes. In my mind, only a handful of thoughts circled. One revolved around contemplating my course of action if either of these men decided to discharge their weapons, while another yearned for Aaron's presence by my side.

The intruders looked back and forth amongst each other as Layla and I never removed them from our eyesight. "We can't leave them," I let out a hushed breath. "They've seen our faces." As these men deliberated on whether they would end our lives or not, I suppressed the lump in my throat, swallowing hard. The gun that pointed at my chest now aimed at my head.

Closing my eyes, I couldn't control the instinctive words that escaped my lips. "Please don't!" I cried out with anxiety, my voice filled with desperation. "I'm pregnant!" A sob escaped me, and I braced myself for what lay ahead.

Simultaneously, the two men emitted a bewildered sound, while Layla's gasp reverberated in the air, audible from a significant distance. The commotion sparked disagreements among the customers, who started bickering amongst themselves.

With a sudden jolt, the door swung open, ushering in a gust of fresh air that mingled with the charged atmosphere. In anticipation of the imminent arrival, I inhaled deeply, bracing myself. As my eyes locked onto the figure standing in the doorway, a profound sense of relief washed over me. It was Aaron, his gaze piercing the two men with the most chilling intensity I had ever witnessed.

"Lower the damn guns," he commanded, his voice carrying an unfamiliar authority. With rapid, purposeful strides, he swiftly made his way through the compact café towards the men. "If I have to repeat myself, actions will speak louder than words," he warned. Abruptly, his hand grasped the lapel of his tailored suit jacket, revealing the presence of a holstered pistol snugly nestled at his hip.

Amidst stammering, one of the men started to ramble, desperately attempting to explain. "W-we had no intention of causing them harm. We would n-never harm a pregnant woman." My stomach churned at his admission. I hadn't anticipated anyone discovering the secret I had been harboring, but it was too late now. If this revelation was the reason Layla and I were spared, I believed I could come to terms with it.

Aaron cast a perplexed gaze upon Layla and me, a clear expression of confusion etched on his face. I shook my head, reluctant to acknowledge the truth yet not outright denying it either. Resuming his focus on the men, Aaron intermittently regarded me with a skeptical glance, harboring a hint of suspicion.

"Leave," Aaron spat at the two men. Following a moment of eerie silence within the room, Aaron's body tensed, and he erupted, "Get the hell out right now!" In a hurried frenzy, the two men hastily made their way towards the exit, where they were met by several officers. As a wave of relief washed over me, knowing we were finally out of that harrowing situation, I swiftly moved towards a cluster of our customers. I checked on their well-being, although my primary focus was to evade Aaron's presence.

"Is everyone alright?" I inquired with evident anxiety. Half of the group nodded, their attention still captivated by the unfolding commotion outside. Curiosity piqued, I followed their gaze, only to be met by Aaron's penetrating stare. The sight of those intense, dark eyes evoked conflicting emotions within me─a sense of security mixed with intimidation. Just a few days ago, I had agreed to a single dinner with him, and now I regretted ever giving my consent. Although uncertain about whom he suspected of being pregnant, it seemed reasonable to assume that Aaron had already pieced it together.

Aaron approached our gathering, causing me to inhale deeply. "I apologize for all of this," he gestured towards the commotion occurring beyond the confines of the café. "I'm relieved that everyone is now out of harm's way," he expressed, offering a warm smile to the group. With that, he gently guided me towards the back room where I had just been hidden.

"Aaron, hear me out," I started, mustering my courage. "I'm aware of what you're about to ask, and I already have the answer." Taking a deep breath, I swallowed hard. "Yes, I'm pregnant," I confessed, my voice filled with a mix of resolution and vulnerability. "And I understand that you told me to take those pills, but I couldn't bring myself to do it."

He shook his head, avoiding direct eye contact with me. Silence hung between us, yet he expressed his emotions by tenderly grasping my hands and placing gentle kisses on the back of each. I returned his gesture with a soft smile, anticipating his forthcoming words. However, before he could utter a single syllable, Layla suddenly emerged from around the corner, her face etched with evident fear.

Overwhelmed with disbelief, she began to sob uncontrollably. I pulled her close, enveloping her in a comforting embrace, all the while grappling with my own stress from the harrowing ordeal. "I can't help but think," she cried amidst her tears, "what if Aaron hadn't come in at that moment?"

"Don't think about the 'what ifs,'" Aaron's voice resonated from behind me. Gently, I caressed her back, coaxing her face away from my shoulder and tenderly wiping away her tears. "Both of you are safe now," his voice strained with emotion as he addressed us. In that moment, every ounce of fear dissipated from my being as Aaron encircled us both in a protective embrace.

Layla wiped away her remaining tears and gave both of us a thankful smile before disappearing through the doorway again. I took a shallow breath, trying to let go of all of the stress from the previous ordeal.

In an instant, Aaron's hand gently clasped mine. "I'm relieved that you're alright," he whispered softly. "We don't have to discuss anything at this moment," he shook his head, his eyes filled with understanding. "But there's one thing I need to tell you." I closed my eyes briefly, apprehensive about the impending words. "I meant every word," he continued. It took a moment for the weight of his statement to sink in, and when it did, I struggled to hold back the tears welling up behind my eyes.

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