Chapter Twenty - Men in Bars

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Men hang out in bars for one of two reasons: Either they have no wife to go home to, or they do.

Aaron Adair

The silence that filled the entire ride was tense. I took a few glances at Olivia, trying to understand what she was thinking without asking her.

If I had known what those papers were going to be, I would have signed them myself. I don't want to lie to her but there's things she doesn't need to know, at least not right now.

A woman's high-pitched voice cut through the thick silence. I returned my eyes to Olivia. She had been messing with the radio and all of the dials on the dash.

I moved her hand and found the correct setting, inching it down a tiny bit. The music was at a comfortable level now and it didn't take me long to realize it was Taylor Swift.

"She wears high heels," Olivia flipped her long, curled pony tail over her shoulder as she sang out, "I wear sneakers!" Ironic considering she's wearing red-bottoms that cost more than most people's rent.

I bit my lip and tried to keep my laugh in as she flowed with the lyrics, "If you could see that I'm the one who understands you!"

Although I wasn't much of a Swiftie, as they call it, I couldn't deny that the song didn't sound beautiful if Olivia was singing along to it.

As we pulled up to the front of my nightclub, that uneasy feeling had lingered from the penthouse. I knew it wasn't a good idea to have her here, something was telling me to take her home.

I stepped out of the car and made my way to the passenger side, opening the door for her.

The way her long, tan legs glistened under all of the lights and her ponytail fell slightly over her shoulder as she climbed out, revealing herself to everyone waiting outside made me want to take her to my office and-

"Are you coming, Aaron?" Her soft voice cut through my thoughts.

I returned to her side and placed her arm in my mine, ready to get this business over with.

A few of the men who worked for me greeted me as we entered the building. A waitress took no time serving drinks to Olivia and I.

Straight whiskey for me and a glass of wine for her. I watched as her full lips hit the expensive cup in her hand, wishing it were me.

"Aaron," a mans voice interrupted my fantasy.

When I found the voice speaking to me, I realized it was Sebastian.

Sebastian is like a brother to me, he works very closely with my business and keeps things in check when I'm not here. There aren't many people in this world I appreciate but he's one of them.

"Olivia," I glanced at her. "Find yourself a seat and I'll find you soon." Her sparkling eyes weren't lit up anymore.

I pulled her closer and found her ear, "the bar is where you can find the best seats," I heard a soft laugh fall from her lips. She nodded her head and disappeared into the crowd of people.

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