Chapter Thirty-Nine - Choices

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"Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

- Jerzy Gregorek

Olivia Bennett

Layla and Natalie had initially made plans without consulting Aaron and me, but now they were including us in their agenda. Despite Aaron's persistent concerns about me walking too much, I managed to convince him that I was fine because, in truth, I genuinely felt fine.

Witnessing Layla and Natalie getting along brought me a sense of comfort and relief. It was reassuring to see them bonding and forming a connection. On the other hand, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness about the distance that had grown between my sister and me. Despite her promise to keep in touch when she moved, our communication had become infrequent.

As the two girls walked ahead of us, engrossed in their gossip about every shop we passed in Fairview Mall, Aaron held my hand tightly. Our fingers were interlocked, and his grip conveyed a protective concern, as if he feared I might get lost in the bustling surroundings.

"Layla," Aaron called out, causing both of them to stop and turn back towards us. They closed the distance, waiting for Aaron to speak. "I'm going to take Olivia to the food court so she can have a break," he stated with confidence, as if it was a plan we had agreed upon. "Join us there once you're done."

"Okay!" The girls replied in unison before turning back around and resuming their shopping spree. We had visited numerous stores, but I had only purchased two items—a new body lotion and a piece of candy. Despite my husband being the wealthiest man in Seattle, I still wanted to be responsible with our finances.

Aaron guided me to the bustling food court, scanning the area for an available table. Once he spotted one, we settled down, and I placed the small bag I had been carrying on the seat next to mine.

"Do you want something to eat?" Aaron asked, breaking me out of my reverie. I gazed at him from across the table, noticing how our knees were touching underneath. Leaning my face on one of my hands, I couldn't help but admire Aaron's beauty. It felt surreal to be in this moment with him. "Baby?" His endearing nickname brought me back to reality.

"Um," I paused briefly. "Could you please grab me a sugar cookie?" I requested with a sweet smile on my face.

He left the table without any hesitation, leaving me alone. I eyed the crowds of people around the food court, judging everyone from afar when suddenly two men approached our table.

"Olivia Adair?" Hearing my full name caught me off guard, as not many people addressed me by Aaron's last name since our marriage was kept private, known only to our family.

I nodded my head slowly, confused as to who they were. "Do I know you?" I spoke to the man who asked the question. He pointed towards another man on the upper floor, looking down over the food court. The upper floor of the building had been closed off due to remodeling so it was practically vacant up there aside from the man dressed in dark clothing, holding a gun over the glass edge.

My heart raced in my chest as I quickly scanned the surroundings, my eyes darting around to see if anyone else had noticed the presence of the gunman above.

The man's words sent a chill down my spine as I processed the gravity of the situation. I felt my blood run cold as he pointed out the AR15 aimed at Aaron, who was innocently ordering the sugar cookie I had requested just moments ago. I felt a surge of fear and desperation, realizing that I had to make a difficult choice that could impact both our lives.

As I walked with the strangers, my mind raced with thoughts of Aaron's safety and the gravity of the situation. I glanced back, desperately hoping that Aaron would sense something was wrong and come after me. I prayed that he would be safe and find help.

A chill ran down my spine as I realized that these men were affiliated with Roman, the man who had been stalking me. The serpent symbol confirmed their connection to him, and fear consumed me as I wondered what they had planned for me. I desperately hoped that Aaron would find a way to protect himself and come to my rescue.

I listened intently as the man communicated with his boss using the walkie-talkie, recognizing the coded beeps and pauses. It seemed they had a system of communication in place, one that was designed to keep their conversations discreet and undetectable to others. I couldn't help but wonder what instructions they were receiving and what their ultimate intentions were for me.

Fear coursed through me as I felt the firm grip on my arm and heard the man's chilling threat. I nodded silently, fully understanding the gravity of the situation. My main priority was to ensure Aaron's safety, even if it meant complying with their demands and enduring whatever they had planned for me.

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