Chapter Twenty-Eight - Love

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"Loved you yesterday, love you still, always have, always will."

- Elaine Davis

Olivia Bennett

The air crackled with tension as I seductively removed the small top I had been wearing. The inconsistent rise and fall of my chest was noticeable as Aaron's chest pressed against mine.

"You didn't let me finish," His lips lingered on my neck briefly before he pushed himself off of the bed and returned to a standing position.

"Keep going then." His low, gravelly voice made the pulsating sensation between my legs intensify. I slipped out of the matching shorts to my small top that was now across the room, on the floor.

I swallowed a harsh breath, and pulled at the clasp holding my bra together. It snapped and released my breasts, displaying them to him. After a glance, I pulled the silk sheet over myself, covering what was just revealed.

Aaron's hand wrapped into the sheet, pulling it off of my naked body. When I returned my eyes to him, I was met with his dark gaze that spoke volumes in the silence between us. Time stood still as he fixed his eyes onto my bare figure.

"Fuck," Aaron's voice, barely audible, slipped out in a hushed breath. "Stand up." Anxiety crept through the air as I took a deep breath, attempting to steady my trembling legs.

Aaron's gaze lingered on my body, tracing every subtle curve. His dark eyes were deep and mysterious, like a captivating abyss. His glare caused my body to shudder, noticeably, because he quickly snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me into his embrace.

I was taken aback at this sudden gesture, "Aaron?" His face nuzzled into my chest and his breath warmed every inch of skin his lips touched. Aaron took a deep breath, that was shaky, and didn't remove his head from my neck. After a few moments of this, a startling wetness began trailing down my bare chest. It only took me a brief moment to realize Aaron was crying.

He suddenly dropped to his knees, continuing to hold his arms around my waist. I hooked two fingers under his chin and attempted to make him look at me, but he wouldn't let up.

"Aaron," I spoke softly. "Look at me."

He shook his head once more, "I can't." His tears warmed my left thigh as he rested his cheek on it. I felt uncertain trying to comfort him, truthfully, I didn't know how. I'd never witnessed Aaron be emotional like this.

I patiently waited, allowing him to hold me and comfort himself. My hand gently ran over his back, and ruffled through his messy hair.

"It's angering," I paused, trying to understand his statement. "I've tried so hard to find something, anything, for you." Another harsh breath left him before he continued. "These fucking cures are useless!" He shouted. He abruptly stood from the ground, pushing me back onto the bed before climbing on top of me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and attempted to catch my breath as Aaron undressed himself. First his black tee, then his jeans, and lastly his Calvin Klein boxers that expressed his size seamlessly.

In a mere second or two, Aaron forced himself into me entirely. He was impatient and desperate as he pushed deeper and harder with each thrust. The heat that ignited between my legs was hotter than lava, and the liquids that poured out of me were like an erupted volcano.

The sex sounds coming from me were unexpected. I had forgotten what it was like to have sex, and to feel this needy for something.

"Fuck," Aaron's breathless, raspy voice made the heat flare up and I found myself begging for more. As Aaron thrusted into my warmth, one of his hands pulled at my curls and the other explored my body.

I inhaled a sharp breath as Aaron began rubbing his finger against my sensitive spot, causing the sensation to overflow within me. "Aaron-" My voice was so quiet and tired as I spoke his name.

"God, Olivia," I relished in the sound of my name coming from him when he's in this state. His voice breathy and low, desperate and impatient as he satisfied himself with me. "I love you." Suddenly, my focus was no longer on the rhythm of Aaron's body and the sounds coming from the both of us, but on the words he had just said.

"What?" His fluent motions and thrusts never ceased as I tried to comprehend those three words.

"Say it." His breath hit my ear, causing goosebumps to rise down my spine.

My body was in a trance, and I couldn't control myself. Listening to his strained grunts and breaths as he thrusted deeper and deeper, I shortly understood I didn't need him to tell me to say it, I wanted to. "I love you, Aaron." A sudden groan came from him as he entered me one last time, allowing himself to erupt inside of me. His body turned into dead weight as he laid on top of me, breathing heavily and sinking into me.

The air was filled in a delicate haze, casting a soft glow over the room. The moonlight shined in from the open window, emphasizing the ethereal atmosphere.

After a few minutes, Aaron finally pushed up onto his elbows, sliding himself out of me. Our eyes locked with an unwavering intensity, the air thickened with the unspoken tension that crackled between us. I swallowed and waited a moment before saying anything.

"Did you mean it?" Aaron's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stared at me. He suddenly pushed himself off of the bed, tossing the silk sheet onto my naked body.

"There's a pill in your bathroom drawer," He said coldly. "I have to get some sleep." I felt the tears beginning to form behind my eyes and I quickly screwed them shut, not allowing myself to cry in front of him again.

I stood from the bed, eyeing him as I picked up my clothes that I'd tossed on the ground and made my way to the door, never looking back at him.

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