Chapter Twenty-Four - Shame

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"Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame."

- Benjamin Franklin

Olivia Bennett

The cold bit at my red cheeks as Aaron led the two of us down the sidewalk. I couldn't decide on what to say so I stayed silent until he finally spoke up.

"Are you okay?" His question wasn't one I expected and I hesitated to answer. He suddenly came to a halt, turning to me. We stopped just outside of an antique store, the flickering lights and rusted sign were clear indicators it had been abandoned.

I sat down on the dusty bench and examined our other surroundings. Aaron joined me on the old wooden structure, causing it to let out a loud creak.

"Are you okay?" This time he used a slower approach, as if I couldn't comprehend the first time he asked. A simple head nod was all I gave him.

Many things crossed my mind as I looked at him and it was hard for me to focus on the conversation he was trying to have.

"Do you really think that of me?" I blurted. My hand instantly covered my mouth, trying to shove the words back in but it was too late.

He studied the old brick pattern beneath our feet in silence and I waited anxiously for a response but it never came. Instead, he grabbed my hand and pulled me off of the bench, dragging me down the dark alley.
If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was going to kill me, literally.

We continued down the alley for about thirty seconds before I implanted my feet into the broken concrete, causing the both of us to stop. His eyes shot back at me and without skipping a beat, he pushed me against the wall, restraining both of my arms.

With one hand, he held my arms together in between our bodies that were only inches apart, the other rested against the wall my back was pressed against. Our close proximity made me feel uneasy, although I didn't mind his being close to me, I was sure he wasn't happy with me.

Considering our argument, me disappearing and spending hours in a bar with the man who attempted to harm him, and dancing like a whore, as he said, I could only assume he thought the worst of me now. I didn't think he thought much of me before.

A coat of goosebumps lined my arms and I shivered under the cold Seattle weather. The wind picked up as we stood between two large buildings.

Aaron must have noticed because he slipped his hoodie over his head without hesitation, and slid it over mine. After he adjusted it, and made sure I was covered up, I realized the red stains on his white shirt.

"Is that..." He nodded his head slowly. "It's yours?" Another nod. I felt my heart rate increase at the sight of Aaron's blood coating his shirt. My hands found his chest, and I ran my fingers over the stains lightly.

"I'm fine," He tried to reassure me but I wasn't going to be convinced. I began to lift the hem of his shirt but he pushed my hands away and denied me access.

My eyes snapped to his, "Let me see, Aaron." I used as much power as I could to sound demanding but I don't think it worked.

After a few moments of silence, his hands snaked through my messy curls and his lips met mine, seemingly wanting to stay there forever.

His rough stubble scratched my cold skin but I didn't mind it, Aaron's lips on mine was something I missed more than I thought. I could stay here forever, even in the cold, dark night.

"Aaron," I gently pushed against his chest, causing our lips to part. A frustrated sigh came from him but he returned his eyes to mine waiting for what I was going to say. "Please let me see." He took a small step back and lifted his shirt, revealing a poorly bandaged wound.

"It's not bad." I shook my head and motioned towards the other end of the alley. He closed his eyes for a moment before continuing through the dark lane.

The elevator ding and the doors slowly opened, revealing the familiar penthouse foyer. I felt relived at this sight. I hadn't stayed here longer than a few weeks but it was home now. I had nothing else after all.

I dropped my bag I packed beside the table that held Aaron's keys, and realized the aftermath of Roman's men on the penthouse.

There was a chair that laid on the ground, a trail of blood leading to Aaron's room, and broken zip ties beside the chair.

I turned to find Aaron also taking in the aftermath, and I felt the most pain in that moment. Watching him look over his terrorized home, and relive whatever those guys did to him. I knew I had betrayed him, but what I didn't know was how to earn his forgiveness.

"I need to fix your bandage," I said while heading down the hallway.

"I got it." He deadpanned.

"Please let me help you," I shuffled through the open first-aid kit that laid beside a blood-stained rag, and then my eyes fell onto the knife laying inside of the sink.

Aaron met me at the counter, waiting for me to address his wound, but I was stunned. I hadn't realized how serious his injury was or what Roman's men were capable of.

"Olivia," Aaron began as he pulled the kit closer. "I can take care of myself." I quickly snatched it back and jumped onto the counter, leveling myself with him.

"Were you cut, or stabbed?" It sounded like a stupid question but one I knew needed to be asked. I didn't know much about these kinds of things but my little sister taught me a bit while taking a medical class her freshmen year.

He groaned as I peeled the bloody bandage off of his wound, "Stabbed." I took a deep breath and coated a small cotton pad with alcohol, giving him a rushed warning before pressing it against the gash.

"Fuck, Olivia!" He shouted. I flinched at the volume of his voice but quickly recovered and continued caring for him. I wanted to help him however I could, considering I had already started blaming myself for this.

"Stay still," I snapped.

"Don't tell me what to do," Another groan. "Fuuuuck."

I tossed the used alcohol pads into the small bin and covered the wound with a clean bandage, properly wrapping the gauze around his waist to hold it.

"You'll have to change it every few days until it properly heals," I told him as I cleaned the mess that was left on the countertop.

His usual unreadable eyes were soft as he stared at me. I offered him a short grin before heading for the door to the hallway.

I needed a shower, and I needed sleep. I'd spent the night drinking, I felt disgusting after everything that happened, and my eyes were heavy.

I had hoped Aaron would say anything to keep me in his presence a little bit longer, but as I reached his bedroom door, the lock latched behind me and he closed himself into the small space we were just occupying.

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