Chapter Seven - Resistance

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"Every moment of resistance to temptation is a victory."

‒ Frederick William Faber

Olivia Bennett

My mind pondered his question while I looked around. Everything was dark and gloomy, ideal for a man like Aaron Adair. The living area was bigger than the apartment I used to have and a ginormous flat-screen TV hung on the wall above the brick fireplace.

"Show me more and I'll give you an answer." He gestured his hand toward the long hallway where multiple doors lined the walls. I took one last glance at the beautiful view before heading down the corridor.

He opened the first door which led to a large bathroom. A standing shower, a bathtub, two sinks, and an oddly shaped toilet. The walls were covered by a sleek marble pattern that also ran across the floor. If I ever had a dream bathroom, this would be it.

The next door opened up to a guest bedroom which I assume is going to be mine. It was rather fancy but looked lifeless. There were no personal things in here to give it character but I'm sure over the next few days, I'd bring it back to life with no problem. The bed was large and the dresser and nightstand matched the color of the frame, dark oak wood. A golden mirror hung above the small vanity in the corner which was my favorite part.

"This is beautiful," I began. "Very rich."

A smile crossed his face as he glanced around the room. My mind wondered how many women he'd let stay in this room. How many women he'd fucked on this bed that was now mine.

"How many women?" The question left my mouth before I could think. My eyes flickered to him but his expression remained cool.

"A few," I narrowed my eyes at him. "No more than fifteen." He clarified.

No more than fifteen? I wasn't sure how many men I'd been with before my accident or if I had been with any at all, but I knew it couldn't have been that many.

"And how many have you fucked?" My question shocked me. I've never been the kind of girl to ask whatever I wanted to know whenever I wanted to know it but apparently I am now.


I rolled my eyes, "In here." I lifted myself onto the bed and rested on my knees, "On this bed."

He shifted from one foot to the other as he watched me. If I knew any better, I'd think he was getting nervous but then again, would a man who's fucked twenty women feel uneasy when a woman was attempting to seduce him?

"Six." His arms were crossed over his chest now and his shoulder was leaned against the door frame. I rolled over, laying down on my back as I stared at the ceiling. I recognized the small chandelier that hung there. It was made up of a few hundred crystals.

"I'm gonna have to go shopping, you know?" I changed the subject. His gaze returned to me but not my eyes, this time my body which was sprawled out on the massive bed.

"I'm aware." Of course, you are.

I lifted myself from the bed, "So I'm going to need to get a job."

He stared at me for a moment and then disappeared around the corner. I leaped out of the bed to follow him.

When I caught up to him, he was standing in the middle of the kitchen fidgeting with something in his hands. A leather wallet. He turned to face me, holding out a black card. I glanced down at the card and back up to him waiting for an explanation.

"It's yours," I hesitated to take the card from his hand. "There's no limit." As I studied the small piece of plastic, I ran my finger over the small golden text.

Olivia G. Adair

My mind went blank for a few moments while I stared at my new name. Olivia G. Adair. Somehow, I forgot when you married a man, your last name was no longer yours, but his. Being able to spend any amount of money and not worry about being poor by the end of the day sounded exciting but I knew this wasn't right.

"I can't take this," I placed the card on the granite countertop, denying it.

His hand snaked around my wrist and he placed the card into my palm, "I'm not asking you to take it, I'm telling you to." His strong and firm tone had returned, and although his demand annoyed me, I couldn't say no to that voice.

I pulled my wrist out of his grasp and turned around, pacing back to my new room with the credit card in my hand. I couldn't be in his presence and resist him but I knew I had to. If he didn't want me, then I'd stop wanting him. I reminded myself that this was nothing more than an arrangement.

I laid in bed for the next hour or two reading new articles that were being published about me. I wasn't sure why they still cared, shouldn't that topic be old news by now? Each report consisted of the same incorrect lies as the ones I read in the hospital. More bullshit about me speaking out to the public and praising my parents for their tremendous support.

I jumped up on the bed, dramatically flinging my arms out. "Oh, great parents!" I exclaimed. "I don't know what I'd do without you, without your inspiring story, without your immense faith in me, it means so much."

My body fell to the soft mattress while I placed my hands over my chest as if I could physically feel their love for me. A loud giggle escaped from me as I lay on my back, staring at the beautiful chandelier.

The sound of a door click startled my laughing fit and drew my attention to the doorway where Aaron stood, leaning his shoulder against the frame like earlier. His muscles were only emphasized by all of the weight he was putting on one part of his body and the white dress shirt he wore didn't help take away from that. God, this marriage was going to be so difficult.

"What's funny?" His thick brows pinched together in confusion as he watched me from the door.

I turned over on my stomach, "Oh, let's see..." I hummed as I searched for more bullshit articles that were taking over the internet. "Olivia Bennett, they should really fact-check before publishing these by the way, released from Seattle hospital and finally able to go home with inspiring parents after two years."

"What should that say?" Aaron was now sitting on the edge of the bed near my legs. Just being in his proximity makes me feel warm all over. I really need to get laid to make these feelings toward him go away or I might break.

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