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Things fell into a more comfortable rhythm after that. You were still being gentle with each other, but you were back to a more comfortable place. Sun didn't kiss you for a while, but that honestly didn't bother you as much as you thought it would.

You kissed his cheeks, peppered his hands and wrists with kisses and in turn he acknowledged your sensitivity to feeling rejected and unloved with gentle caresses. He would run his fingers through your hair while you finished up course work on their couch, keep a hand around your waist, or hug you as long as you wanted, and it worked for a while.

It helped that you felt comfortable and secure in your relationship. It was a really nice realization. You still missed kissing your usually more optimistic boyfriend.

Moon hadn't developed the same aversions that Sun had, which at first made you feel guilty like you were showing favoritism. Your therapist suggested a couple's counselor for that one, just to encourage you to talk about it together. It actually helped having an agreed upon date and time to touch bases regularly and make sure that everything was okay.

Different people had different wants and needs in a relationship, so you weren't showing favoritism by catering to Moon's wants and Sun's needs in a way that didn't hurt anyone.

Soothing balm to burning and raw nerve endings.

It was while you were cuddling with Sun on their couch that you finally thought of a solution to their nightmares. You couldn't block them and you couldn't augment the one that was already there without fiddling with their actual memory, which no. Just no. Especially if there was a chance that it wouldn't actually help.

What you could do was add others. Several different scenarios adapted into screensavers, randomly filtering. You added so many that it would be statistically improbable that the nightmare would pop up more then once a week. You wanted to make it so that it didn't pop up at all, but that was a lot of data to take up memory.

On occasion they did get lucky and have a full week without a nightmare.

The first time it happened Sun placed a chaste good morning kiss on your cheek, his rays making slow happy circles around his head.

"Have I ever told you how wonderful you are, Sunflower?" He asked, sounding dreamily lovesick, the tender tone bringing a light blush to your cheeks.

"You have, but I never get tired of you complimenting me Sunny-bun." You replied, getting up and preparing to open up the daycare.

Things returned to a tentative normal, still tender, but not open and bleeding. With things settled between you and Sun you began to notice that you had been neglecting your duties with your interns. Jasmine and Kimberly had mostly been left to their own devices, so when you finally checked in with them you expected them to have some negative things to say. Kimberly was still as enthusiastic as the first day, not really praising the program, just saying that she was enjoying the hands-on work and that she was looking forward to being able to put her experience on her resume.

Jasmine was much less talkative, and it was slightly harder to get a straight answer out of her, but everything she said was positive. The words she was using made it sound like the internship was a positive experience, her tone just didn't match the words she was saying. Like she said she was having fun and learning a lot, but she said it so melancholy that you couldn't help giving her an incredulously.

"N-No really it's been...a really good experience!" She said, trying to assure you with a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Is it the animatronics?" You asked gently.

"I mean...look there, not that bad when they give me space." She deflected; you couldn't get it out of her before she excused herself at the end of lunch. You could pay attention though, remind Sun to give her space, Moon was very good with Jasmine. To the point where Moon would get a polite wave when she saw the naptime animatronic, but sometimes Sun forgot when he got excited.

The ABCs of Managing your Daycare attendant. (Sun/MoonXReader)Where stories live. Discover now