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You woke up to your phone blaring in your ears, a splitting headache the likes of which you had never experienced slamming into your temples with each shrill beep. The taste of blood and god knows what else in your mouth did nothing to improve your mood.

Good news about finally having dental insurance, it meant you could see a dentist. Bad news, said dentist told you all four of your wisdom teeth had to come out because two were impacted and one was broken off where it had been grinding against your other teeth.

Your sister was home recovering with little newborn Blake, Jamie was with her to help with Connor and you had scheduled it so that you would have two days off to recover from the tooth extractions, so that left you suddenly wondering why your phone was blaring so early in the morning.

"Hello?" you answered groggily, but even you could admit it sounded more like Ell-O, with your inability to move your jaw without it feeling like it was broken, just yet. You really didn't want to risk anything, given how bad your head hurt.

"Oh I'm so glad you answered, I need a huge favor!" you recognized Rebecca's voice, but just once you really couldn't do this today.

"Becca, I can't" You ground out, wincing and rolling over to finally take something for the pain.

Was I supposed to take two ibuprofen and one tylenol every six hours or two tylenol and one ibuprofen? You wondered, reaching for your aftercare sheet and skimming it. Eww, I have to do salt water rinses.

"No, I know, trust me, I wouldn't have called if anyone else could do it, but please just hear me out." Your cousin said frantically, and well what would hearing her out hurt, you had to take your medicine anyway.

Sun smiled and waved at Lily as she walked in, getting ready to welcome in their little stars for the day. He might have missed you on your days off; he could acknowledge the good it was obviously doing for you though. The dark circles under your eyes had faded to nearly nonexistent, much to Moon's delight. They were happy to see you thriving (even when missing you) and would just have to plan something super special on your next day in. He started setting up the coloring tables and laying out toys as Lily manned the front desk waiting for the first children to arrive. Sun heard the door open, but assumed Lily could handle everything long enough for him to continue the morning set up. Until he heard the shouting.

"Have you lost your damn mind!" Lily yelled loudly, her voice echoing around the daycare.

"Language!" Sun gasped indignantly, spinning and rushing up to the front to see...you!?

"Sorry!" Lily said not even looking at him, still shaking her head at you. You went to say something, but Lily cut you off, more rudely than Sun had heard her ever talk to anyone, irritating him a great deal. "Do not open your mouth! You hear me young lady."

"Is our dear daycare attendant in some trouble, Lily?" He asked, trying to suss out whatever this fight was about. You shook your head, not opening your mouth in a way that he didn't like but couldn't pinpoint why, and Lily answered for you.

"Yes, she is! Cause she made the brilliant idea of driving here to drop off a medication update sheet that could have been emailed and the new medication that could have been dropped of tomorrow, the day after she was put to sleep for oral surgery." Lily explained, making Sun feel a strange thrill of panic. You hadn't told him anything about a surgery, so it couldnt have been as bad as Lily was making it sound right? You were definitely shaking your head like she was exaggerating.

"Didn't. Go Under. Local. Anesthetic." you grit out slowly, not opening your jaw, and making Sun shudder. Your mouth wasn't supposed to be a static plate with lips moving around it like his, it was just wrong. Your answer also did nothing to ease Lily's apparent worries.

The ABCs of Managing your Daycare attendant. (Sun/MoonXReader)Where stories live. Discover now