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You were on the verge of a panic attack. Heart pounding, breath rapid and shallow, fear creeping up knotting up your inside coiling around your spine type of feeling. For the first time in your life though, it didn't make you want to run and hide, you weren't frozen in place like a deer in headlights either. That fear coiling around your spine turned it to molten steel, the heat of which was licking through your chest like an angry inferno.

You were staring boldly up at the tallest broadest humans you had ever met, bulling him down with your furry. If you thought for a moment, you might have realized that this is exactly how your sister responded to panic, you were finally fighting. The only thing you could think at the time was,

"How the hell did you not catch this? Are you completely incompetent! It is completely embedded into the security protocols now! Are you actually qualified to be working in parts and services Kevin?" You demanded angrily while the tall brunette at least had the good graces to look sheepish.

"H-hey, I wasn't the only one that missed it, I'm just the guy on call tonight." He defended weakly, though you knew he wasn't the only one responsible for Sun and Moon's maintenance, he was the only one you had in your sights.

"Then they're just as incompetent." You snapped back, watching him sigh and sit back down in front of the screen. Sun and Moon were no longer jacked in, instead Sun was standing nervously behind you, but the evidence of what you found was still on the screen.

"Okay I get it, we fucked up. We'll fix it, just need to do a system wipe-" He started talking, but Sun interrupted him.

"N-no no no! Y-y-you can't do that! N-not without approval from the agency that oversees sentient animatronics. A-a-and they almost never approve it because it'll be like we died and were just replaced with someone genetically identical cause we won't have the same experiences. You can't let him-" He said, panicking as Kevin tried to shoosh him.

"We don't actual have to ask them." Kevin said looking at you and ignoring the panicking machine. "They just tell the machines that to make them 'feel' better...if you believe all that bullshit about them being able to feel." Kevin replied, pissing you off even further. And just when you were starting to think you might have been too harsh.

"Yeah, that's not happening. If you even suggest that to anyone with the power to actually go through with it, then I'll have the AIPA branch of the CIA here before they can give you the go-ahead." You said to Kevin. The tech stood up, trying to tower over you, but you were used to looking up at Sun and Moon, so his 6'11" height wasn't as intimidating as he must have thought it was. Neither were his broad muscular shoulders.

"That's an awful big threat, little lady." He said diminutively, trying to dismiss you.

"It's a promise, Kevin." You assured him, suddenly Kevin paled, looking up and up behind you. The lights were on, so you couldn't imagine Sun looking scary enough for Kevin to shrink back like that and sit back down. He did never-the-less, refusing to even look at you.

"That is no way to talk to a co-worker, who's just trying to keep you out of trouble, Mr. Jordans." Sun's voice said, stiffly from behind you, though you didn't take your eyes off of Kevin.

"I...ummm...I'll start working on other solutions immediately." He eventually said, turning back to his screen.

"See to it that you do." You replied, reaching behind you to grab Sun's hand and lead him out into the dark halls of the pizza plex. Tears collected in your eyes as you nearly sprinted through the plex. You didn't want to have a complete breakdown in the middle of the plex, but it was getting hard.

"Starlight?" Moon said softly, getting you to look at him. His red eyes were blown wide, looking lost. "If...If I'm a danger to people-"

You're choking sob interrupted him, "Don't! You-you're not's going to be okay." You assured him as the tears finally fell, streaming down your face with such ferocity that they blinded you.

The ABCs of Managing your Daycare attendant. (Sun/MoonXReader)Where stories live. Discover now