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He threw a glare at the young woman whose head was sticking out of the car with captain America but dodged when Bucky throws a sticky bomb and blows up the roof at the end of the underpass, bringing down tons of rubble.

Black Panther leaps off from Falcon and throws Bucky off the motorbike. Steve swerves the 4x4 through the rubble, leaps out and pulls Black Panther away from Bucky. Olivia follows behind as she manages to get out of the car.

Steve and Olivia stand, facing sleek and muscular Black Panther. Armed police arrive and surround them, guns aimed. War Machine leaps down from above and raises both hands. Despite knowing that with one blast she can kind of take them on, she stops herself from doing so since she could hurt the others.

-Stand down, now- Bucky stands beside Steve who puts his shield on his back.

In a surprising turn of events, a blur of blue knocks Olivia on her ass before she can try anything.

-Pietro?- she asks as she looks up at the young man.

-Sorry принцесса- he mutters -But it is the right thing to do- he looked away from her (princess).

-Maximoff has made an appointment to sign the Accords already- Rhodney informes her, and when he sees her face her continued to remark -And it appears he didn't tell you.

-Oh bohoo- Olivia grumbled to herself angrily. She hadn't actually thought he would be on the side of the Accords, but the fact that he had done so without telling her, hurt her more than she thought it would, as well as the fact that he was letting her be aprehended..

-Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal- Rhodney continued as the police move in and force Bucky to his knees. Black Panther raises his hands.

A cop moves Steve's arms behind his back as Black Panther retracts his claws and pulls off his mask revealing his face. It's the prince of Wakanda, T'Challa.

-Hey! Easy there!- Steve shouted as one of the men kicked Olivia's feet from under her making her knell on the ground and her hands behind her back so they could cuff them tightly. A bulky metal collar went on her throat and she cringed as she remembered what these things did.

-I can take her from here- Pietro says as he tried to help Olivia stand up.

-Get off dipshit! I can do it myself!- the girl grunted as she raised herself back onto her feet.

-принцесса. Olivia- he tried to call for her attention as she was hauled into the back of a van with Steve and Sam only to be ignored by her.

-Wie lautet der Befehl?- a man asked as he received orders from his radio (What's the order?).

-Your highness- Rhodes greets the prince as Bucky's hauled off the ground, shoved into handcuffs and pushed into the truck.

Pietro sent Olivia one more pleading look she ignored as the doors of the van closed, locking her and the rest of the men inside with her from the world.

-You okay Liv?- Sam asked her as the other two men stared at each other.

-I'm fine- she let out in a gruff voice. She had to careful because if she got too excited or angry, the shock from the collar would make her go unconscious.


Wanda's phone rang and she picked it up seeing as the caller ID stated that it was her brother.


-Wanda, Я напортачил, я напортачил плохо- he said in a nervous voice (I messed up, I messed up bad).

-Calm down and tell me what you did- she told him. After a few moments he took some deep breaths and continued to explain.

-Remember I told you I would be signing the Accords?- he asked her in English.

-Yes?- she answered back.

-I did not tell Olivia and she hates me now сестра- he told her (sister) -They took her in because she tried to help the captain and I don't know what to do...

-Calm down first of all. When you come back we need to have a talk, but for now try and do as much as you can to make friends with her- she advised him.

They chatted for a few more moments as she calmed him down and gave him some more advice before he hung up and she went to the kitchen from where the nice smell of food was coming from.

Vision was reading the recipe from a book out loud as the pot boiled in front of him on the stove.

-'A pinch of paprika'. A pinch- he adds a pinch just as Wanda strolls in.

-Is that paprikash?- she asks him.

-I thought it might...lift your spirits- he said with a flourish of his hands as he presented the dish to her.

She chuckles, stirs the ingredients in the pan with a spoon. She lifts the spoon to her lips, blows and has a taste. She smiles, seemingly satisfied.

-Spirits lifted- she told the red male with a smile.

-In my defense, I haven't actually ever...eaten anything before, so...- he tried to excuse himself.

-May I?- she motions to the spatula in his hand.

-Please- she takes it and steps forward -Wanda?


-No one dislikes you, Wanda- he said, making her frown curiously.


-Oh, you're welcome. No, it's a...involuntary response in their amygdala- he said as he tried to reassure her -They can't help but be afraid of you.

-Are you?

-My amygdala is synthetic, so...- Wanda laughs.

-I used to think of myself one way. But after this...- her fingers glow as she examines them -I am something else. I'm still me, I think, but...that's not what everyone else sees.

Vision touches the mind stone in his forehead and ponders over something.

-Do you know, I don't know what this is?- the said stone glows -Not really. I know it's not of this world, that it powered Loki's staff, gave you your abilities, but...its true nature is a mystery. And yet, it is part of me.

-Are you afraid of it?

-I wish to understand it. The more I do, the less it controls me. One day...who knows? I may even control it- he says as his eyes remain fixed on the woman before him.

Wanda looks at the food -I don't know what's in this but it is not paprika. I'm gonna go to the store. I'll be back in 20 minutes.

-Alternatively, we could order a pizza?- he tried suggesting.

-Vision, are you not letting me leave?- she asked as he blocks her way.

-It is a question of safety- he excused his actions.

-I can protect myself- she huffed out threateningly.

-Not yours- he grabbed her arm -Mr. Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident. Until the Accords are on a...more secured foundation.

-And what do you want?- she asked him.

-For people to see you...as I do- she looks at him gravely.

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