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Many people on the news supported the Avengers but there were also others that felt threatened by their power. Olivia turned off the radio of the car and put on the sunglasses Tony handed her. the billionaire had decided to take her in as a "special project" but it was just because he didn't want to admit he had taken a liking to the girl.

The Avengers and Selvig all walk to the center of a footbridge. Tony is carrying a briefcase as Olivia stands next to him, Thor has Loki in a muzzle and handcuffs, Barton, Natasha, Banner, and Steve walk from cars.

Selvig take a glass cylinder out of a truck. Tony opens his case, which is on the ground. Banner holds the Cube with some tongs and puts it into the glass cylinder Selvig has.

Thor is smiling as he shakes hands and says goodbye to Selvig. Loki is bound and gagged in the muzzle, he is mad. As he looks upon Natasha, she whispers something into Barton's ear that makes him smile.
She repeats it to Olivia and the girl smirks.

Thor holds the cylinder that has the Tesseract in it. He gestures it to Loki, who grabs one end of the cylinder and Thor has the other, he nods to the others and twists the device, which lights up and the two vanish into the sky as the group looks on.

In front of Tony's new car, Steve and him shake hands while Olivia hops into shotgun.

Natasha takes a duffel bag out of the backseat of a S.H.I.E.L.D car. She hands it to Banner as Barton heads to the driver's seat. Banner and Tony get into his new car and drive off

Pepper and Stark are looking at plans for a new tower. Olivia walks towards them with another blueprint making a few suggestions to changes.

The huge STARK on the side of the tower has been destroyed, save for the letter "A" which Olivia, now officially made an Avenger and naming herself Burning Jay, had requested to keep. Sure she missed her home, but she was fine there for now.
As Tony and Pepper spoke she looked to the sky knowing right about now Thanos would be learning about his failure in the planet Earth to a race as weak as humans.

The Avengers are sitting around a table, eating, stuffing their faces. They are silent, no one makes a peep. The workers are cleaning up this destroyed place. The place is silent.

-This is good- Olivia says exaggerating the "good".

The others emitted a few hums of agreement at her statement.


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