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-I got no strings, so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone- Ultron sang creepily as he approached Clint and the child.

Olivia saw everything in slow motion as Ultron started shooting at the man and child and a blur of blue got in front of them.
Barton prepares to take the shots to save the kid, but Pietro runs into the line of fire to take the shots to save both of them.

Olivia stretched out her arm and desperately throws a heat wave at the bullets. She melt most of them so they fall to the ground before reaching the speedster but a few hit making her panic.

-You didn't see that coming- the silver haired man tells the archer as the older man looks up when Pietro falls to the ground -Ow ow ow ow- he hisses as he tries to clasp at the several pierced bullet wounds on his leg and arm.

-You, you jerk you dumbass! You motherfucking idiot!- Olivia knelt down to slap his back, hard, as a red wave of magic passed over them signalling that Wanda had used her powers.

-Ooh, watch it милый- he pursed his lips as she slapped him again (darling).

-Don't you call me that, you could never died! With how fast you are you could've caught those bullets! At least try to!

-She's right kid- Clint said as he picked the kid up to walk him to the safety boats safely.

-I'm okay, really- Pietro said softly as he raised a hand to pat her head.

-Clint when you get back here, make sure he stays put- she asked the archer who only nodded and then handed the kid to a soldier.

She turned back and placed a quick kiss to his forehead leaving the speedster stunned and staring behind her as she left to rejoin the rest of the Avengers.


Hulk drops Natasha off onto the Helicarrier and then jumps onto the jet Ultron is on.

-Oh, for God's sake!- the robot said.

Hulk throws Ultron out of the jet and he crashes inside a train


At the same time Barton delivers Costel safely to his sister onto the lifeboat, a man goes over to help him with his wounds.

-No, no. I'm fine- Barton lies down next to the tired body of Pietro -Oh, it's been a long day.

-It has- Pietro said -I think I am going to rest up a bit.

-You do that kid.


Wanda when to find Ultron.

-Wanda. If you stay here, you'll die- Ultron tried to reason.

-Do you know how it feels?- she uses her power to rip Ultron's core out of his body -It feels just like that.

One last remaining robot turns the key in the church, and the city starts falling.


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