26. ...Comes around.

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Regulus and Maeve stood at the edge of the dark lake, staring at the glowing locket in the middle. In the distance, they could hear the faint laughs of Voldemort's Death Eaters as they approached.

"Regulus, we need to hurry," Maeve whispered urgently. "They're coming."

"I know," Regulus replied, determination written on his face. "We need to do this quickly."

Regulus took a deep breath and stepped into the icy water, wading towards the locket. As he reached for it, a swarm of Inferi emerged from the depths of the lake.

Maeve gasped in terror as she watched Regulus fight off the hoard of undead creatures, his wand flashing with brilliant spells. She knew she needed to act quickly and began casting spells alongside him.

Regulus and Maeve stood frozen, staring at the lifeless eyes of the Inferi that had been unleashed upon them. The locket lay just out of reach, taunting them with its promise of ultimate power.

"We can't leave empty-handed," Regulus growled, his hand inching towards his wand. "We have to get that damn Horcrux."

"But how?" Maeve asked, fear lacing her voice. "They're everywhere."

Regulus scanned their surroundings, his sharp mind piecing together a plan.
"You distract them," he spoke quickly, eyes on the figures approaching them from all sides. "I'll grab the locket and meet you at the entrance. Go!"

And with that, they were in motion - Maeve casting spells left and right as Regulus lunged forward to grab the locket. His fingers just out of reach of it just as he felt a cold breath on his neck - one of the Inferi had risen up behind him.

"Run!" he screamed at Maeve as he drew his wand, unleashing spell after spell at their attackers.

The cave filled with smoke and noise as spells collided in mid-air, but still they fought on - Regulus with a ferocity he didn't know he possessed, Maeve with equal determination by his side.

As they finally climbed up the black rock to safety and gasped, They both knew what was next —reaching to locket But Regulus couldn't shake off a growing feeling of unease—was it worth risking everything for this ultimate power? He glanced over at Maeve and suddenly knew deep down that she was all the power he needed.

But their triumph was short-lived as they heard footsteps approaching rapidly from behind them. Regulus turned around to see Voldemort's most trusted servant standing just a few feet away.

"You thought you could outsmart us?" The servant sneered menacingly as she drew her wand.

Regulus stood firm, determined not to show any sign of fear. "We will do whatever it takes to defeat him," he said defiantly, but Maeve stayed quiet, staring at her best friend as she gripped onto regulus' free hand for support.

"Lord Voldemort offered us everything!" Amara screamed, stepping closer with her wand in a threatening position. "How could you do this?"

"He's a tyrant, whatever promises he made you are empty." Maeve answered, holding back tears.
Regulus could see the hope in her eyes fade, like a blinking light bulb about to die.

"He gave me a family when you took mine from me!" She lamented, her body trembling from the anger contained inside her.
Her shouts turned to barely audible muttering, spitting out her cries. "And to think, I wanted you to be my friend, I thought you were on my side. But I guess I was wrong." Her eyes went blank as her head tilted forward, staring at the two injured teens as a slight smirk began to form on her tear-stained face.
"Wrong, again."

Whether it was pure confusion or denial, Maeve couldn't understand what Amara meant, and she didn't have time to keep auguring.

The two sides squared off against each other amidst an aura of tension and anticipation. This was it - a battle that would decide who would rule in this world.

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